Example sentences of "[conj] we [vb mod] see the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , each time we called she would n't answer the door although we could see the curtain move so we knew she was at home .
2 I am confident that we shall see the end of the recession in the next few months .
3 As we examine the structure of the police in the 1990s , I hope that we shall see the need for a national police agency to deal with national and international crime , while preserving the important links through the local constabularies , because it is through the local police links with the public that crime is prevented .
4 Some writers have speculated that we could see the development of new patterns of support such as an increase of private loans within families , or substantial bequests to grandchildren rather than children , since the younger generation are the ones who will find the most difficulty in getting onto the first rung of the housing ladder ( Murie and Forrest , 1980 ; Means , 1987 ) .
5 And it is at this point that we can see the way in which secularisation feeds and nurtures the philosophies of secularism .
6 It is in the delirious inventiveness and ungrammticality of poetry that we can see the Remainder most fruitfully at work .
7 It is in this context that we can see the importance of the so-called Derrida-Foucault debate which is often misrepresented , not least by Foucault himself , as a confrontation between ‘ textuality ’ and ‘ history ’ .
8 It is here that we can see the power of his rejection of the concept of ‘ liberation ’ .
9 It is in the chapter headed ‘ Non-Economic Coercion in the Transition Period ’ that we can see the confusion engendered by the foregoing circumstances being translated into a hymn of praise for violence .
10 When it was time to set off again , there was a lot of noisy discussion , live chickens in baskets were moved and we were ushered into the front window seat across from the driver so we could see the view together .
11 ‘ Is n't it lucky I dropped all the paint , because now you can see where the trail starts , because we did n't paint any trees once we could see the road . ’
12 At the top of the glacier visibility improved and we could see the hut .
13 and into these trees and where we were up there no one could see us and we could see the place , so we would see all the gaps in the fences .
14 ‘ A few more trade figures like that and we will see the market fall further . ’
15 The Jet project is formally er continuing until the end of 1992 but in recent months we 've had some very great successes in Jet , the work we 've done is of very high quality and , and certainly world leading , and we can see the way ahead to building an experimental reactor after Jet but there are some very important experiments that need to be done before then .
16 nineteen eighty five and we can see the picture of it , or a drawing of it on page seventy , I have n't looked to see how many apartments there is
17 The Labour party conference has three times voted to cut £6 billion from the defence budget , and we can see the extent to which that would devastate the defence industry and the defence of this country .
18 We sit up here and we watch a game like that and we can see the game probably just drifting away from United a little bit ; you can feel that things are changing out there .
19 I do n't think there 's any need to check it on that cos we can see the pattern
20 Well we 'd seen to the back of the garden anyway cos we could see the hedge going across like that at forty five degrees .
21 Cos we could see the spire of the cathedral .
22 Now let's put them all back and see if we can see the lady .
23 But we can see the horror now , we only need to look at television and Yugoslavia .
24 But we can see the influence of this traditional Western monastic spirituality in Hilton 's discussion of verbal prayer .
25 But we could see the man bleeding to death . ’
26 This is something that can not be left to the dub because we will see the wind from the propellers buffeting the actors .
27 We do n't know how many inhabitants there are , or which is early closing day , or whether we can see the sea from the windows .
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