Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] home [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She was away at Malcolm 's cousin 's from the Sunday till the Wednesday evening and we had n't realized how much noise she makes until she came home on the Wednesday evening .
2 The shop took twenty-one dollars from her for it , and she hurried home with the eighty-seven cents .
3 Memories of the marathon " sew-in " before she left home for the International Youth Congress could not have failed to bring a smile to Eva 's lips , or those of her sisters , if they could have seen her stitching away patiently and efficiently on a hand-driven sewing machine .
4 When she arrives home in the evening , she knows she will have no stimulating exchange of news to look forward to with a husband and family .
5 Usually when she got home with the bread Léonie dumped it on the kitchen table .
6 ‘ This has knocked her back , she has been very poorly and really cried when she got home from the hospital .
7 She 's back in the canteen from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. , when she goes home to the children and her working day starts its next shift .
8 Honey was sweet and gentle from the day she was born , so it was rather a surprise when she came home from the horse breaker with a completely changed personality .
9 When she came home from the hospital , she had noticed new locks and bolts on the doors , front and back .
10 Katy was looking very pleased with herself when she came home from the nursery .
11 As she walked home in the dark , she thought to herself , ‘ Why is there always a catch to it ?
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