Example sentences of "[conj] they be supposed to [be] " in BNC.

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1 I just seem to remember vaguely that she 's about twenty-five or six , about five five , hundred and fifteen pounds all where they 're supposed to be , hair that looks like somebody grabbed a handful of stardust and smoothed it over her head .
2 well mines the first two weeks and I 'm keeping them off those two days that they 're supposed to be at school
3 Apart from which , this meeting that they 're supposed to be going to have is totally out of order anyway .
4 At the other end , advertisers find it difficult to admit that they are supposed to be addressing an audience in middle age and onwards .
5 As solid insertions into the very hot gas , probes can significantly alter the local properties of a plasma that they are supposed to be measuring .
6 There are three vital programmes in which you must train your lecturers if they are to be the advisers and guides that they are supposed to be .
7 Drawn up by a UN team and representatives of the Kenyan government , the report found that tens of people were dying each week in camps set up for the refugees in the remote border region of Kenya and described it as " appalling and embarrassing " that they were supposed to be under the care of the Office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees .
8 And they 're supposed to be the experts on camouflage , she thought ironically .
9 And they 're supposed to be coming boxing day .
10 erm Because the loggers have been , as I said earlier , logging 24 hours around the clock , and they 're supposed to be logging over a 70 year cycle , and they 're not because the companies have only got three year licenses , and basically the indigenous people have just had enough , so they started to block the logging roads .
11 You have to code the numbers of the athletes and they are supposed to be on the inside so you ca n't read them , but they were outside so you could — you could see which one was from Krabbe , Breuer and Moller .
12 Then of course failing that , if you did n't want that doing you 'd er try the French letters and they were supposed to be er you know supposed to be intact and supposed to be the thing .
13 Depends on the job does n't it , how much they 're using , but if they 're supposed to be using regularly , surely one person .
14 cos if they 're supposed to be
15 But on the other hand , if they are supposed to be representatives of our society , then there 's obviously something wrong , when there are so few women , compared with so few men .
16 I reminded her about the things she said last night — the things you apparently overheard , so you say — and she now realises she was quite wrong to say those things , even if they were supposed to be some kind of joke … and … she is sorry for saying them because she now understands that those careless words of hers were what basically caused the misunderstanding . ’
17 But if they were supposed to be keeping up the fiction about being happily married — a second honeymoon , indeed ! — then it was going to look a bit odd , if not downright peculiar , if he did n't spend his nights here in the cottage .
18 they 're dead naff , right , cos Steve Wright in the afternoon as a thing , he says , he says , what do you want Essex girl and he 's said something funny she 'll , she 'll go , you crack me right up you do , you make me crack right up , right and they 're suppose and they are , well I do n't know , but they 're supposed to be really naff
19 It was the very same story the time oor Isa sent for the stilettos very much against my advice as it happens but they were supposed to be real made-in-England leather uppers available in three colourways , aubergine , aqua or avocado well , as she said herself she was expecting green but nothing quite as Irish as they turned out in fact to be .
20 It 's not as if it 'll frighten the horses , because they 're supposed to be colour blind : mind you , have seen some of the migraine colour schemes a racing cyclist friend wears I 'm not so sure about that !
21 They 'll get all worked up because they 're supposed to be fetching her .
22 But because they are supposed to be utterly other and not-us — the barbarians outside the city — and because we the powerful can not imagine the situation of being the victims of such a war , this normality is perceived as incomprehensible .
23 Nevertheless because they are supposed to be men of wide experience and outstanding capability the bishop may from time to time give them particular tasks to do in connection with parish priests .
24 When they are supposed to be arguing about the rider or scrawling their name on the walls , they sit quietly down and start replying to fan letters , or in Solowka 's case , it 's off with the flat-cap and out with the calculator .
25 This payment was a fine for disturbing the deer when they were supposed to be fawning .
26 The shock of Charles and his army appearing suddenly when they were supposed to be usefully employed in far distant Italy filled the Saxons with fear , and they sued for peace .
27 An early oval fort of pre-Roman times with a later broch in one corner , perhaps added by the Votadini even though they were supposed to be collaborators with the Roman occupiers .
28 And even though they were supposed to be the biggest and gravest army in the world they were frightened to get off the So what , who was the first person who stepped on land ?
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