Example sentences of "[conj] it is true that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Guess The Weight Of The Donkey and Pin The Tail On The Jam Sponge are not , in fact , recognised PR mechanisms at all , contrary to some reports , although it is true that they inspired the electoral systems in Israel and Italy respectively .
2 Now although it is true that we need to consider contextual factors to explain what it is that creates a feeling of unity in stretches of language of more than one sentence , we can not say that there are no formal links between sentences in discourse .
3 Although it is true that he understood the distinction between a logical argument about the truth — falsity of religious propositions , and an empirical analysis of who holds which beliefs , in which groups — Freud 's explanatory theory is based on a judgement about the rationality or otherwise of religious beliefs and practices .
4 I have no doubt that the hon. Gentleman accepts them — although it is true that he has surprised me more than once in the past by failing to agree with the most obvious proposition .
5 ‘ If we find that it is true that he made these deals he could lose his permit , ’ he said .
6 Certainly , it is an eccentric work and it is true that its spiritual elevation-signalled , Berg-like , by the entry of an instrumental chorale towards the end-cannot be anticipated in the early stages of its apparently disorganised single-movement construction .
7 Certainly , it is an eccentric work and it is true that its spiritual elevation-signalled , Berg-like , by the entry of an instrumental chorale towards the end-cannot be anticipated in the early stages of its apparently disorganised single-movement construction .
8 I am always accused of , and criticised for , my comments on the establishment that runs British tennis and it is true that I have been , and will continue to be , critical in the future , but I do believe that constructive critical assessment performs a valuable function .
9 His plan was to pre-empt my own and it is true that he was first to publish some of his proposals .
10 I mentioned that motherhood is a great leveller , and it is true that it can break down all sorts of social barriers .
11 Vertue wrote of Ramsay 's second style as being ‘ rather lick't than pencilled ’ , and it is true that there is less variety of texture to be observed in a Ramsay than in , say , a Hogarth portrait .
12 If it is true that they are simply used as substitutes , the law is making an economically illegitimate distinction .
13 He had all three and felt that at last the play was under way : this was why he had struck north ; this was why he had learned his part ( and God bless Major General Lake of Dumfries and God keep him there ) ; this was his great opportunity and ‘ O Lord , ’ he prayed to himself , ‘ if it is true that You have love even for the worst of Your sinners and let Your Son welcome into Paradise the thief on the cross who by a single act redeemed a life of evil , then remember me at Hause Point , remember how I tried to obey Your will and how I saved that innocent young girl and help me here because I swear , if I succeed in my intention here , I will lead a life of charity and Christian duty to the end .
14 I come to you to know if it is true that you hold him here in your charge . ’
15 If it is true that he saw the Church in the form of a pyramid , as many people did , with authority flowing down from himself to cardinals , bishops and then to priests , then a Council had no place in any such scheme of things : it only confused the pattern of authority .
16 Theodore 's reconciliation with Wilfrid took place in the context of Caedwalla 's dramatic ascendancy in southern England and if it is true that he expressed the wish that Wilfrid succeed him at Canterbury ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 43 ) this may have been in recognition of Caedwalla 's new regime with which Wilfrid was associated .
17 While it is true that we should n't ‘ show off ’ our new slim figure , there 's nothing wrong in making the most of it .
18 While it is true that we have until now been concerned with consciousness , and used the term " mental events " in the ordinary way so as not to include all that may be included in the mental , the rest of the subject-matter of that domain is not thereby excluded from our coming reflections .
19 On the other hand , while it is true that it is rarely useful to explain behaviour in terms of neural events , our description of psychological processes must at least be compatible with what is known of their neural substrate .
20 For you must really endeavour to get ahead with your composition , and that you can do if you have in readiness copies of symphonies and divertimenti to present to a Prince or to some other patron … the divertimenti can be copied very quickly , even though it is true that yours have a number of parts and are rather long …
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