Example sentences of "[conj] it [is] hard [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , the amount of the Sun 's light reaching the Earth is reduced at such times , although it is hard to guess whether or not this would be significant .
2 Well er , you ca n't say that it 's hard to understand because I 'm a Londoner and
3 The first is that it is hard to ensure that the industry really does minimize costs .
4 There is no reason to suspect Tribonian of pontifical predilections , so it is hard to suppose that this is an interpolation .
5 His account of the Italian is sheer joy from beginning to end , and it 's hard to believe that he was almost 87 .
6 And it 's hard to believe that just four months ago he underwent surgery to have an artificial knee and a steel plate put into his leg .
7 Down in the corrie , two sparkling blue-green lochans perch beneath the steep cliffs , and it 's hard to imagine that just over the next two gullies , people in golf jumpers are tucking into sticky buns .
8 Most of the other metopes are fragmentary , and it is hard to say if they carry out this distinction , though the little that remains of the lion suggests that it went well with the other western ones .
9 It may be that some hereditary peers are well worth a place , but it is also true that some who are not hereditary peers are equally deserving and it is hard to argue that they should not be considered on their merits on the same basis , with life peerages being conferred on those most suitable .
10 The simultaneous withdrawal of the state from regulative intervention in labour matters clearly advantaged employers and it is hard to deny that all this amounted to class legislation .
11 In Milan the victims and suspected victims — and it is hard to believe that non-sufferers ever survived being suspected sufferers — were herded in to a custom-built enclosure .
12 Rent 's supposed allies appear little more than an improbable amalgam of all those who might be opposed to the regime of Mortimer and Isabella , and it is hard to believe that the conspiracy had such wide-ranging support .
13 Ricci gave a spectacular concert one evening , and it is hard to believe that he is now 75 years old !
14 It has now been restored to a superb family home by the present Lord and Lady Feversham and it is hard to imagine that only a few years ago the house was little more than an empty , echoing shell .
15 Grant suggests a tourniquet , but it is hard to do as the worst cut is so close to the armpit .
16 In parts of Britain , particularly in parts of Wales , second home ownership has been fiercely contested by some locals , but it is hard to judge whether such opposition is justified .
17 Nuclear power may be in eclipse , but it is hard to believe that it — and the fast reactor — will not return to favour as carbon dioxide increases and the greenhouse effect 's regime becomes more severe .
18 It certainly is a good story but it is hard to believe that a designer as experienced as Tupolev would casually use such information without first carefully checking it out , particularly if one considers the history of the Russian aircraft industry which over the years has sprung many surprises upon the West and will doubtless do so again in the future .
19 How much the meeting was told about the previous shipments to Iran is unclear but it is hard to believe that those present were not aware of them .
20 I could understand one man imagining that he saw a person in the immediate area of the box but it is hard to believe that two level-headed signalmen could have been mistaken enough to be confused by the same phenomenon .
21 But it is hard to believe that three such bumblers could ever have got the paper off the ground .
22 Perhaps this is considered too expensive , but it is hard to believe that 240 doctors can be trained at no capital cost , even if there is head space at medical schools .
23 It is obvious that a horse will run from a stick , spurs or fear of the rider , but it is hard to accept that he will try to pull on the bit if that very action increases the pain .
24 But it 's hard to talk because it makes your jaws so cold !
25 In flight the wedge-shaped tail of the rook is supposed to help identification , but it 's hard to spot as the bird is constantly moving its tail .
26 I think the stairs were constructed of stone but it 's hard to tell because it 's been deep in rubble ever since I can recall .
27 The ideological points are still there but it 's hard to believe that totalitarian regimentation could be so tight .
28 Since he has shown this sort of network to be discernible in a wide range of different kinds of poetry , and since it is hard to imagine that it could also be found in non-poetic language , there seems to be a strong prima facie case for accepting his argument that the principle of equivalence provides an objective criterion for identifying the poetic function .
29 As it is hard to believe that even MI5 thinks there are that many subversives , spies and traitors in the country , it must keep a lot of files on innocent people .
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