Example sentences of "[conj] it be said that the " in BNC.

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1 Gran Canaria , the third largest of the Canary Islands , is an island of contrasting scenery , with a superb climate all year round , particularly in the south where it is said that the temperature never varies by more than five degrees .
2 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
3 Pork was the staple diet of most Europeans for many centuries and it was said that the peasants of Britain lived on bread , bacon and beer .
4 The operation of trolleys and pantographs together was not without its problems , and it was said that the great used on the collector plates could be found on the overhead line as far as Lytham !
5 Baynton v. Morgan shows , amongst other things , that this last contention may not always be relied on by the lessee ; and accordingly the position of the defendant is not put otherwise than favourably to himself if it is said that the measure of his liability here , that of a lessee after an assignment , is the performance or non-performance of the covenants in question by his assignees when he can not and does not aver any performance by himself .
6 But it is said that the Kal yuga gives way to the Sat yuga when the manifested power of the Life Force has reached its lowest ebb .
7 There is no publicity out yet for the line , but it is said that the 1993 peak season of four trains each way will operate for only five weeks and that at the beginning and end of season there will be no trains on Fridays .
8 He did n't go to Mass , but it was said that the priests came down to him once a month and heard his confession and gave him Holy Communion .
9 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
10 It sounds as if the project has the active backing of Novell Inc , because it is said that the software is being built atop a future release of the DR DOS MS-DOS-compatible operating system .
11 In 1900 a dispute arose because it was said that the Taff Vale Railway Company had victimized a trade unionist who led a wage demand .
12 Further , while it was said that the decision of Browne J. in the Bognor Regis case [ 1972 ] 2 Q.B. 169 had been generally approved , or not criticised , by textbook writers , and by the Faulks Committee in 1975 , it was not suggested that Parliament had in any legislation apparently treated that decision as representing settled law .
13 A warm bed and an alarm clock for company often work since it is said that the clock 's ticking sounds like mother 's heartbeat .
14 When it is said that the continuation of the sterling area was an ‘ implicit ’ decision ( in sharp contrast to the debates on overseas expenditure ) the point being made is that this continuation was not the result , it would seem , of any debate within the Attlee government .
15 The position we have reached is that when it is said that the sea appears to a viewer to be uniformly blue this is neither a statement about what Reid calls the ‘ visible appearance ’ of the sea , nor straightforwardly a statement about the viewer 's opinion .
16 It reminded him of shop stewards with their sleeves rolled up in those endless conferences when it was said that the country was being held to ransom .
17 These men will not readily wear garment of crotal when going to sea , as it is said that the crotal plant was plucked from the rocks and will therefore return to the rocks .
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