Example sentences of "[conj] it be obvious that he " in BNC.

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1 And it 's obvious that he 's made a start with the clunch pit murder ; but that is n't noted either .
2 And it 's obvious that he is just crazy about you , honey .
3 Daak 's shouted curses were becoming weaker , and it was obvious that he was unable to aim his blaster .
4 A person may say that he feels a pain in his foot , but it is obvious that he does not feel it as he might feel a pin in his foot .
5 But it was obvious that he was used to it all .
6 It was him above all she would be trying to impress by her break with convention — impress in a quite futile way , because it was obvious that he and Clare were permanently attached .
7 And when it was obvious that he had nothing more to say , they lay down on their cots , pulled up their blankets and turned their faces to the wall .
8 Neil shook his head and made some gesture which I could not interpret , but as it was obvious that he , too , had seen Stormy Petrel and knew what he was about , I let it be .
9 I picked one of them up and was struck to the heart , for it was obvious that he had been writing a lot of poetry , all of it , so it seemed to me , very good .
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