Example sentences of "[conj] it be [adv] easy [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And the gentleman who said that it 's quite easy but er they need to handled carefully , but you need to get the council in , who will charge for taking the nest away .
2 The advantage of fondant over royal icing for covering cakes is that it is much easier and quicker to make , is more pliable and has a softer texture that many people prefer .
3 Would that it were as easy as sticking your hand up to vote for it Because I have to say that I see no evidence since that motion approving the management initiative was passed of Labour and Liberal members doing any more than paying lip service .
4 When the Boundary Commission looks at these matters over every 10 years or so , demography and demographic conditions have to be considered , and it is less easy than it appears on paper simply to provide consistency in terms of the demographic relationship of the people living in the country and the number of Members representing them in the House .
5 We raced and splashed and it was quite easy and natural during one of these rowdy skirmishes simply to slip an arm through the water and put it around her waist .
6 Yeah cos it 's much easier than dragging all
7 Getting going again after a hard race is not easy , but it is much easier if you have a plan to follow .
8 basically so am I , I 've got to write a news in the next few days so I 'll see in early February tell him about the ideas , I 've also been in touch with another lobbying firm , I say been in touch but it 's quite easy because
9 Be careful that the words sound the way they do normally , because it 's very easy when you pronounce individual words to make them sound odd .
10 This was despite the fact that physics was the most boring subject at school because it was so easy and obvious .
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