Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] [adv] obvious that " in BNC.

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1 There has also been deliberate wooing of parents who had already made their selection , although it is surely obvious that changes in mid-stream can only be damaging , in terms of stability , education and coach/player relationship .
2 Fourthly I very much expect , although it 's not obvious that erm my Lord how it 's going to be said .
3 The perks are specifically designed to encourage people to invest in their local water authority despite the fact that it is patently obvious that some are not going to be as attractive as others .
4 I simply say that it is fairly obvious that Britain could have taken the lead in clean coal technology .
5 He came home from school some days later and said he had been ‘ thinking very seriously about our situation ’ — he was already beginning to be pompous — and that it was quite obvious that some women were unsuited to a life which held nothing but home and children .
6 MI5 agreed to give what help was necessary so it is fairly obvious that none of the security services took Eden 's directive seriously .
7 And it 's pretty obvious that we have — so anybody with any brains will realise that , see through it , and go and buy the proper version . ’
8 In the first place , the limits of the imagination are shifting sands , and it is not obvious that anything which at present lies outside them is forever beyond our grasp .
9 I understand that this particular problem may be dealt with in the near future , and it is quite obvious that the Rules need urgently to be reconsidered in order to make it clear to circuit judges and to magistrates , who have the problem of dealing with these snatches , that they can deal with it in an appropriate way which is in the interests of the child concerned .
10 No thought of any homework , and it was patently obvious that only Imran Khan and Javed Mianded seemed to be recognisable down there .
11 After only two visits , however , the novelty wore off , and it was patently obvious that Jeopardy and his partner were oblivious of his presence ; it became easy to ignore theirs .
12 Keith Simmons , Alborne 's lethal striker , put them ahead with a goal from the centre spot right on kick-off , and it was immediately obvious that our radical 0-2-7 formation was not going to work .
13 He had already recognised that she was wearing poor clothing , and it was also obvious that she was taking her work seriously enough to sacrifice her privileged lifestyle and live among those of whom she wrote .
14 And it was equally obvious that Kirsty adored him .
15 Her last patient was an old Labrador bitch and it was quite obvious that an urgent operation was called for .
16 It was by then already obvious that the schools had overcome their first reservations er about what the scheme had to offer and it was so obvious that they deserved recognition for their efforts that it led to my colleagues , Councillor and putting down the motion to Council in April of this year , drawing attention to the continuing success in schools throughout the district of the Local Management initiative .
17 In the very long term , automated machinery is likely to incorporate automatic diagnostic equipment in order to simplify maintenance , but it is not obvious that this will necessarily reduce the skill content of craft maintenance work .
18 Psychological studies could provide some answers , but it is not obvious that the subprocesses of language , identified by the psychologist , will map on to individual brain areas , any more than the computational processes of a digital computer map on to individual parts of its hardware .
19 But it is equally obvious that the working class in the advanced capitalist societies has not been , for the most part , revolutionary in its outlook and action ; least of all in the US .
20 In the past they said men should n't be concerned about their looks and things , but it 's pretty obvious that they are , because boys are always looking in the mirror , and these days they have slicked-back hair and fancy clothes , and that sort of thing .
21 Once the temporary blindness passes , half the set has elapsed , but it 's pretty obvious that this is a trip that gets ever more virile with age and experience .
22 Roger Blyth , chairman of the Swansea selectors who was one of Saturday 's touch judges , said : ‘ I did n't see the incident but it 's quite obvious that the bloke was cut from contact with a boot .
23 But it 's really obvious that we 're gon na get off with this weekend cos we both keep making endu innuendos about it .
24 But it was immediately obvious that the bag was too heavy and was falling much too fast .
25 But it was soon obvious that this would not be feasible because of the rapid advance being made into the area by Tito 's forces .
26 But it was already obvious that the horn blast had come from elsewhere entirely — not from the Halfling camp or even from the human regiments of the Empire army , but from the fierce goblin Wolf Riders who were hacking and biting at will as Halflings ran hither and thither in blind panic .
27 To avoid disturbing the chimps , Christophe had hoped to keep numbers entering the forest to an absolute minimum , but it was now obvious that Mike would need help carrying the camera gear .
28 Nothing too outrageous … just the constant annoyance of fouls being called against Leeds when there were nt fouls and throws being given to West Ham unless it was patently obvious that a West Ham player kicked it off .
29 Because it is patently obvious that Rollins is not bullshitting or manipulating .
30 The first category of Kane 's analysis has to be called into question because it is patently obvious that black people do not share physical and physiological characteristics .
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