Example sentences of "[conj] of the difficulty of [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 This is apparently because of the difficulty of knowing " where to insert /r/ " .
2 It was assumed , reasonably enough , that the murder had taken place in or near the gazebo by the pond , because of the difficulty of moving a heavy body .
3 The question has puzzled generations of Western historians , critics and philosophers for at least two centuries because of the difficulty of disentangling the aesthetic from other responses .
4 Of course , all human institutions must rely heavily on consensus , and it is proper that they should , but in the British Electricity Authority , partly because of the predilection of the chairmen and partly because of the difficulty of defining yardsticks , internal politics were to dominate commercial allocative mechanisms more than in most businesses .
5 The first spin-off effect arises quite simply because of the difficulty of defining exactly what is a package holiday or tour .
6 American business men were dissatisfied because of the difficulty of communicating with MacArthur and the senior members of SCAP .
7 An npn Darlington MJ3001 was tried originally , fed directly from pin 3 of the 555 but the performance was inferior to the present arrangement because of the difficulty of getting sufficient drive .
8 Because of the difficulty of leaving the children , my wife and I decided to have a short break away on our own this year .
9 Because of the difficulty of leaving the children , my wife and I decided to have a short break away on our own this year .
10 ( Also , just because of the difficulty of proving who caused the damage , fire insurers generally find it easier to give the necessary consent to waiver of their subrogation rights , without which the arrangements could not work . )
11 The moral of these observations is that one must develop a sensitivity to the reactions of the Japanese because of the difficulty of telling how they are reacting .
12 Bottles and bed-pans are not really practical , partly because of the difficulty of positioning the patient properly to avoid increasing his spasticity , and partly because of the risk of unpleasant spillages .
13 As an extremely well-equipped force , the SDK have been at the centre of political controversy in Japan because of the difficulty of assessing the basic needs of a force that is there purely to defend .
14 Because of the difficulty of assessing software before purchase i.e. the lack of objective reviews at the time and the fact that no " on approval " facilities were available , several bad purchases were made when software was first acquired .
15 But they were very difficult to prove , or to use as the basis of generalization , because of the difficulty of isolating TV as a causal factor .
16 Indeed , because of the difficulty of securing convictions for rape , there is a clear incentive for the prosecution to accept pleas to lesser offences .
17 Modigliani was plagued and anxious because of the difficulty of finding models , and when one had been found he waited in a state of tension for fear of being let down .
18 Because of the difficulty of finding precise equivalents in English , I shall follow the common practice of sticking to the original Russian terms .
19 He rejected this approach , however , largely because of the difficulty of finding authors ’ current addresses .
20 This change was made , for a transitional period , administratively and without any new legislation , presumably because of the difficulty of finding time in the parliamentary timetable to amend the 1958 Act .
21 Problems arise in aggregation largely because of the difficulty of finding an appropriate unit of measurement .
22 He named the craters after famous people , a system still followed today because of the difficulty of changing it !
23 The possibility of bias arises especially in the assessment of oracy , because of the difficulty of separating pupils ’ spoken language from perceptions of their personality and background .
24 And the pressures are probably much greater within the public sector , if only because of the difficulty of obtaining further employment in the public sector if one has been dismissed for disciplinary reasons .
25 Because of the difficulty of obtaining reliably good phage titres in liquid culture , we recommend picking lambda plaques directly into the PCR microtitre dish .
26 And I knew it was wrong , but I could n't get out of this tradition because of the difficulty of realizing the inner content of the music .
27 This is partly because of the speech 's length but also partly because of the difficulty of showing the advert on the BBC ; even if the corporation agreed , the manufacturers would not .
28 If a non-competition covenant appears likely to infringe Article 85(1) exemption is possible under Article 85(3) although such an exemption is unlikely to be granted in respect of restrictive covenants because of the difficulty of showing that such provisions fulfil the four requirements set out in Article 85(3) that must be satisfied if an exemption is to be available .
29 No values will be given to intangible assets both because of the difficulty of agreeing the value and because , in many instances , they will be of no value to the purchaser ( eg the goodwill of the name of the target if the purchaser intends to change the name )
30 Because of the difficulty of predicting interview time , the idea of converting the ‘ open door ’ to a total appointment system , as some doctors do with success , is an anathema to many CAB workers .
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