Example sentences of "[conj] he [modal v] find the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Might I suggest that before he ponders further , Mr Jencks has a listen to the Peter Townshend song Wo n't Get Fooled Again , where he will find the line , ‘ Meet the new boss , same as the old boss ’ .
2 On the way it had occurred to him that he might find the police at Adam 's .
3 I 've also heard Councillor er being , er er quoted in the press , as saying that he could find the money for capital schemes .
4 It is interesting that the Chancellor should anticipate it , and I am sure that he will find the answer very satisfactory indeed .
5 Was it possible that Charles ' previous luck could be repeated and he 'd find the door to the utility room open ?
6 Through the summer of 1929 he complained to Dobrée of roasting in the modern city 's horrors ( yet wondered if he would find the country any more bearable ) .
7 Michael Croggon 's studies could help save the Amazonian rain forests … but only if he can find the money to fund his own daily care .
8 There was something he had to do , and he did n't know if he could find the courage .
9 Although Korda was now more of a financier than an active producer , it was his suggestion that led Graham Greene to visit Austria to see if he could find the background in the four-power occupation of Vienna which would inspire him to extend his one-line story : ‘ I had paid my last farewell to Harry less than a week ago , when his coffin was lowered in the frozen February ground , so that it was with incredulity that I saw him pass by , without a sign of recognition , among the host of strangers in the Strand . ’
10 He might lose himself in the books sometimes , but he might find the Key there , too .
11 The reader may question , but he must find the answer for himself ( if indeed it is there ) .
12 However , he had persevered with the task and accepted it could be a while before he would find the kind of job he wanted .
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