Example sentences of "[conj] i walk [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On one side was the flower-garden view ; on the other , one window had been bricked up at the time when windows were taxed , and I walked over to the remaining window .
2 The man moved away , in surprise , and I walked over to the desk .
3 By then it was too late to get the room and I walked back to the spot where I had committed the robbery .
4 The police sounded surprised that I had bothered to call them , and I walked back to the boatyard feeling strangely foolish .
5 That afternoon , my feelings soothed with company and talk , Sally and I walked back down the bright valley through cricket-loud grasses and thousands of flowers .
6 Benjamin and I walked back into the hall .
7 A quick shower in the bright pink bathroom with its already peeling tiles , more cream , a fast selection of long skirt and blouse , a final comb through my hair , and I walked out into the sun .
8 I walk out to the bus , I get on the bus at the end of Care Street , I walk right along Care Street , right up Dawsons Street , brisk walk and then I 'm walking around the garage , I do n't do that much walking now , the bloody car , but I take a walk at lunchtime and I walk down to the bar , walking , if you walk , that would be total couple of miles a day
9 If , if I walked up to a policeman in the street and gave him a little shove , the chances are he would arrest me , unless it was done in a totally friendly way .
10 I continued for fifty minutes , alienating the audience more with every gag , until I walked off to the sound of my own footsteps .
11 I suppose I was on my way to call for Millie , but I walk on past the house instead , obscurely ashamed to have caught her father unawares .
12 ‘ He 'll have to learn quickly or he 'll be out , although I ca n't talk because I walked out of the club . ’
13 The day after I walked out of the Times-Herald office I went to see Joe Hallonquist at his office in the Hammond Building .
14 When I walk out of the house and through the square on my way to a final peaceful meditation at my favourite bay view in trigo cebada , the young man from last night comes out of a doorway with a large cassette in his arms .
15 ‘ You 're saying then that when I walk out of the church I 'm on my own . ’
16 I believe I gave Joe a bit of a shock when I walked up to the table and played a few shots with him .
17 All around me voices were saying , ‘ Good luck ’ , as I walked on to the stage , but I was much too nervous to do anything but nod , grimly .
18 I thought about it as I walked up through the weedy garden .
19 Thought of him tonight as I walked down to the river .
20 Ben was saying the other day that soon they would drop out as I walked down to the shops ! ’
21 As I walked down by the riverside one evening in the spring Heard a long gone song from days gone by Blown in on the great North wind Though there is no lonesome corncrake 's cry of sorrow and delight You can hear the cars and the shouts from bars and the laughter , and the fights May the ghosts that howled round the house at night never keep you from your sleep May they all sleep tight down in Hell tonight or wherever they may be …
22 As I walked out to the front of Wolverhampton station I did wonder a little when I noticed that there was a regular service train on the monitor , due to leave at 1822 .
23 Danielle was all smiles in the arms of her beloved nanny and much to my distress did not have the good grace to shed a single tear as I walked out of the door and out of her life … for a whole day .
24 As I walked out of the ward and round the red screen I felt as old as Humber and as worried as she was about my not yet having been fully trained .
25 A dip in the hill , much like those at Sulber Nick and Kirkby Nick , led over the crest by an outcrop and as I walked out from the dip I saw ahead of me Raydale with , to my left , Semer Water and Addlebrough behind it .
26 As I walked back through the ballroom past the seated guests I saw my wife , daughter and son waving and smiling and waved back , relieved that it was all over .
27 As I walked back into the Gendarmerie the following afternoon , I saw my first legionnaire .
28 As I walked back from the bar with my second pint I caught sight of Karen and Dennis at a table in the corner .
29 His hands are tight across my back , then he lets go and as I walk out of the room his face goes back to the letters .
30 As I walk out into the sunlight , the grass is soft under my feet .
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