Example sentences of "[conj] i do [adv] believe [pron] " in BNC.

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1 erm The other expedient which he suggested , so far as I know , although I do n't believe there 's been any sociological research into this , is that people should become more tolerant of adultery , and that occasional adventures should be able to be reconciled with monogamous marriage .
2 ‘ Will you think me extremely uncivil if I say that I do n't believe you ? ’
3 This does not mean that I do not believe there are issues where principle is paramount ; but there are great many issues where principle is misguided or even hypocritical , and it is a fair accusation that I tend to suspect this more often than most people .
4 ‘ Oh , Miguel , you say these things in such a serious voice that I do almost believe you .
5 The known facts about Shakers are carefully set out by June Sprigg and I do not believe her work is a romantic history .
6 ‘ I have observed you very closely , Alice , and I do not believe you lack a passionate side to your nature for all you choose to appear so cool and so calm .
7 I have myself devised many staff plans over the years , and I do not believe I am being unduly boastful if I say that very few ever needed amendment .
8 We 've heard tonight , and I do not believe it , a plea from Councillor , the Chairman of Social Services , that he wants ring fencing of Local Government money , I E the Government sends us our money and says , you will spend it on that and that and that and there will be now power of Local Councils to decide what the needs are in their areas and what their priorities are .
9 They are a waste of time and money and I do n't believe they work
10 You get an element of pain in our lyrics and I do n't believe we have to scream to get that across . ’
11 I was never in any doubt that Russell would be successful as a pro and I do n't believe we have seen anything like the best of him yet .
12 I know what the newspapers say — and I do n't believe them .
13 Ooh I do n't , tell him to keep it there then , and I do n't believe him anyway .
14 And I do n't believe his parents could have lasted too long either . ’
15 ‘ I think Roman will decide for himself , Dana , and I do n't believe his plans include marriage to anyone . ’
16 She 's a young girl who really has her feet planted on the ground and I do n't believe she has let herself be carried away by her success .
17 That would make her so mercenary , and I do n't believe she 's like that .
18 At least , that is the way it was with mine and I do n't believe there has ever been a nicer person .
19 And I do n't believe he killed Goodenache . ’
20 I did n't find blood and I do n't believe he did . ’
21 ‘ I did n't believe you then and I do n't believe you now .
22 ‘ Now you 've woken up Mamma , and I do n't believe you need to go again .
23 And I do n't believe it provides a strategy for getting to grips with the underlying causes of ill-health .
24 Sandra : Wanny told me that months ago and I do n't believe it any more than he does .
25 ‘ You must excuse me if I do n't believe you , ’ he sneered .
26 I do n't know , I want to find out if I do really believe what I say I do and if I want the kind of life I say I do , and the only way to do that seems to be to get right away and try a straight career for a bit , just to see how I react . ’
27 Some other passengers claimed that it had actually ‘ only ’ taken 36 hours , but I do n't believe them .
28 ‘ There was that little upset with one of the actresses , but I do n't believe they were particularly close .
29 I would apologise unreservedly if I thought any of them have been a mistake but I do n't believe they have been .
30 I would apologise unreservedly if I thought any of them have been a mistake but I do n't believe they have been .
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