Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] not been able " in BNC.

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1 Although I have n't been able to convince myself . ’
2 In particular , the number of stopping places available to them has been drastically reduced over a period of three or four decades during which the travelling population has been on the increase , although I have not been able to discover the measure of it .
3 This was a very great help to me , because I was able to learn the meaning of many words that I had not been able to understand before .
4 It is not surprising that I have not been able to finish them , for I never have a single quiet hour here .
5 It 's been a bit of a pity , really , that rugby has taken over so much that I have n't been able to continue playing football .
6 It 's only that I have n't been able to get to the bank , being ill and all that , and I have n't got any money for the rent .
7 Now I might forget some of them but , er , what about er , you , seeing as how your skill is one that I have n't been able to acquire yet , Jo how did you get to make the perfect quiche .
8 My home is 90 miles away , so I have n't been able to afford to go back very often .
9 The original bouquet for this picture was exceptionally large , so I have not been able to reproduce a life-sized replica but instead have scaled it down to fit into a picture frame .
10 More likely the net was carried away because the ground was bone dry and hard and I had n't been able to push the stakes deep enough into the soil .
11 Michelangelo , da Vinci , Bellini , Caravaggio , Bernini — half the world 's art treasures in one country , and I had n't been able to travel beyond the walls of the Victoria and Albert .
12 If I want to talk personally with my father about something and am admitted to him , he talks for an hour about something or other and then the time of the talk is over and I have not been able to say what I had wanted to say .
13 It was just as well because the back boiler in the kitchen split in two about fifteen years ago and I have n't been able to light a fire in the grate since .
14 Please can you tell me the name of the director , because he also directed Such Good Friends , and I have n't been able to remember his name ? "
15 I used to have three but I lost three sheep down when they built the university , and I have n't been able to find them , so I thought that they 'd be useful to try and locate them , you know .
16 What , really , has it done for Daisy — if I had not been able to help materially ?
17 But I can assure you that I would n't have lasted five minutes in what , by any standards , is a very tricky and difficult market if I had n't been able to cope with the work .
18 Thank you for all your contributions over the last year , and please accept my apologies if I have n't been able to use an article that you 've sent , hopefully the next issue will contain those for which due to lack of space I was unable to include this time .
19 I have been able to do the washing cos I have n't been able
20 There were libraries in the lighthouses at Portnahaven , Rhuvaal and probably McArthur 's Head but I have not been able to find out what happened to them .
21 ‘ I 've tried to stop it , but I have n't been able to .
22 But I have n't been able to think of an excuse for getting in touch with her , ’ she admitted .
23 ‘ I do n't like making excuses , but I have n't been able to practice as much as I would want .
24 But I have n't been able
25 Still , it was the hangover of that piece of moral cowardice at Lochgair station , along with everything else , that led to me feeling so profoundly awful with myself that evening ( after the train finally did get into Queen Street and I walked back , soaked and somehow no longer hungry , in the rain to the empty flat in Grant Street ) , that mum had to call me there , because I had n't been able to bring myself to phone her and dad … and I still managed to feign sleep and a little shame and a smattering of sorrow and reassure her as best I could that really I was all right , yes of course , not to worry , I was fine , thanks for calling … and so of course after that felt even worse .
26 I was getting hungry and frustrated because I had n't been able to enjoy any of it .
27 I even carried out a double-bluff of appearing slightly guilty for the wrong reasons , so that adults told me I should n't blame myself because I had n't been able to warn Paul in time .
28 ‘ It has been a difficult year because I have n't been able to get into the side . ’
29 I did do that along with Ron and er they were speaking in terms of er a conjurer at under a pound a time and thing of that nature which should then come to a the pensioner 's category at Poole , so I took it back to Stuart and he said oh see what I can do Norman , and at the present moment it rests there because I have n't been able to contact Stuart at the moment owed to the holiday , but I shall be contacting him and hopefully we will also be doing two days , which is the Tuesday and the Thursday , also what they , er , he 's , he 's promised to do is to come half way with the cost of the jazz band , which is a great help .
30 ‘ Only because I have n't been able to prove it yet .
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