Example sentences of "[conj] wonder [Wh adv] [pers pn] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Reg Butler sat beside a roaring gas log fire , smoking a fat cigar and wondering when he was going to be able to retire , relax , play golf , take in the odd West End show like other successful men of seventy-two .
2 His great worry was literally following in hid mind 's eyes the squadron 's contribution to the target that night and wondering how they were getting on .
3 Meanwhile , CAJEC secretary Jack Maurice is wading through the 400 plus pages of the ‘ 88 and rising ’ responses he has received — a record for any ethics document — and wondering how he is going to satisfy all the conflicting demands .
4 She knew Beth had suffered many sleepless nights of late , because she herself had been kept awake into the small hours , thinking of Matthew and wondering how he was faring .
5 You may be turning your attention to job hunting and all that entails , and wondering how you are going to pay your way until you start earning .
6 You will all find yellow sheets of paper if wondering why we 're reading about the .
7 ’ Occasionally I look at my daughter , ’ Irina would say , ’ and wonder where she 's put her intelligence for the time being .
8 Anna opened her eyes and wondered why they were fussing round her .
9 ‘ I 'm sure someone already has , ’ Rain said , and thought of Tim and Joseph and wondered how they were linked in murder .
10 He thought of Merymose , and wondered how he was progressing , with time running out as the embalmers pressed on with their task .
11 He turned down the lamp and wondered how he was going to get in without wakening her ; when suddenly she started up , crying out with despair , fighting to be free of the blankets .
12 Nutty remembered supposing that Nails would hit a bullseye every time if he pretended it was a policeman he was shooting at , and wondered how she was going to reconcile that .
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