Example sentences of "[conj] lack of [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The slow deliberacy with which the wife commences her reply , with not a hint of offence in her reaction but rather a hint of care in selecting the right mode of reply , emphasizes her willingness to converse on the topic : So does her subsequent appropriation of a rhetorical device , the occupatio , a statement emphasized by the speaker feigning unwillingness or lack of freedom to express it : The monk too takes a moment 's pause before replying : again seeming to digest the implications of the wife 's words , or ( and ? ) to express , silently but with an eloquent action , astonishment at the wife 's ready invitation to him to continue to converse on this topic .
2 In the productivity of Lake Vanda phosphorus is a limiting element ( Vincent and Vincent , 1982 ) , because of gravitational losses into the sediment and lack of turbulence to return it to general circulation .
3 Every day the brave and clever assistant takes over from the master , whose slackness and lack of seriousness demotes him from the rank which seemed to be permanently his . ’
4 More and more we realise , as deskilling and lack of training inhibit our economic capacity , that a policy of social opportunity also makes the most obvious economic sense .
5 Their vulgarity , loudness and lack of manners scandalized their hosts .
6 He was very small but even then to my mind his slight body and lack of height emphasized his distinction drawing attention to the sensitive and finely moulded face .
7 If a weekly ride does n't satisfy your yearnings but lack of finances prevents you from riding more frequently , try putting an advertisement in a local paper offering your services to exercise other people 's horses .
9 The whole crew landed safely at Aberdeen at the end of August 1882 , having survived the winter because lack of provisions led them to live on fresh meat , thus avoiding scurvy , and because of Smith 's quiet leadership .
10 Mr Tsongas is a pro-business liberal who won primaries and caucuses in seven states before lack of funds forced him out .
11 There was a receipt showing that after lack of money forced him to give up the flat , in 1989 , he bought a luxury caravan .
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