Example sentences of "[conj] before she could [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Fabia got out , then found that before she could say a word , Ven was escorting her inside the hotel and waiting with her while she collected her room key .
2 She felt his arms snake round her waist and before she could gain a purchase on the yielding upholstery he had pulled her close to his side .
3 A movement caught her eye as she stepped back out onto the pavement but before she could react a black youth shot past her on rollerskates , snatching the bag out of her hand .
4 But before she could say a word that 'un came rushin' in . ’
5 She had to call on acting powers she 'd never known she possessed to face Marianne calmly , but before she could say a word there was a knock on the door and Josh 's friendly , bearded face appeared .
6 Sophie gasped with pleasure , but before she could say a word , Helen laughed .
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