Example sentences of "[conj] er [conj] [pers pn] look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm one of the best known commentators on the American president , a man called Richard Newstat er who 's occasionally known as Mr Williams because he 's married to er Shirley Williams a clapped-out Social Democratic politician of er yesteryear , erm Richard Newstat once said , well once said many things but er on this particular occasion said that er if you want to know what presidential power is , it is simply the power to persuade and that er when you look for er an American president what you need to look for er is not somebody who is clear minded , far sighted and so on but you need somebody who has the capacity the skill , the talent , to persuade other people to do what he wants them to do .
2 The funny thing is that er if you look at the better dividend funds in the year of the crash , the dividends actually went up , cos dividend yields from companies were good in that year , so people would n't have lost out , their income would have been quite stable .
3 erm , this is a , a case which er deals with er the issue of the suspension of a measure based upon community law , whether a national court , when a measure has been based upon community law has power to suspend it , now my Lord the er issue in was erm involved er the er decision of er the German government er to give effect to er a community regulation in the sugar sector which er required er that levies should be er obtained from sugar companies , so it was a very direct er implementation of community law erm in that sense different to the matter before your Lordship , but we rely on it by analogy and in , in this case my Lord er you will see it 's in the supplementary bundle of authorities , the extra bundle because , before your Lordship , in that case your Lordship will see er between paragraphs fifteen and thirty three er the er European court indicating that where a measure that has been based upon a community er , er law is challenged before a national court that the national court er should er only er engage in the er , er suspension of such a measure , erm if there is serious doubt er this is erm my Lord er at er paragraph twenty three of the case er and we say that er if you look at the criterions they are not dissimilar from those that have been adopted by the House of Lords as a matter of English law in the case
4 And er if you look at what happened in Birmingham , it was nowhere near that sort of scale .
5 And for the biologists again if er if you look at the capillaries in the body , there is no cell in the body requiring a blood supply that is more than one fortieth of a millimetre away from a capillary .
6 Because er if you look at little boys on farms today , they play with toy tractors and things do n't they ?
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