Example sentences of "[conj] we walked [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He puts himself in good light by adding that he gripped me tightly round the shoulders in reassurance , that he gave me brandy , that we talked long after the starlings had ceased their chatter , that we walked down into the street and discussed in jogging stride what guilt or shame or desire could do to the human soul .
2 Then he took my hand and we walked round to the cottage .
3 He linked his arm through mine and we walked over to the tomb .
4 In the late afternoon the weather cleared and we walked back to the youth hostel .
5 Benjamin linked his arm through mine and we walked back to the manor house .
6 He looked at her proudly then they turned and we walked out into the crowd .
7 He took my hand , and we walked out of the room and closed the door .
8 As we walked on to the jetty , I was watching carefully to make sure none of my trunks was left on board .
9 As we walked off towards the car park , a woman 's voice shouted my name .
10 As we walked in through the door Kalchu looked up from his food and said in a worried voice , ‘ Where 's your karaso , sister ? ’
11 ‘ He 's entered in a race at Worcester the day after tomorrow , ’ Tremayne said as we walked out to the yard at seven in the half-dawn .
12 I did n't 'ave all this handed on a plate , ’ he said as we walked out into the backyard .
13 ‘ Last year , ’ said Kāli , as we walked along behind the houses , ‘ Mother and one or two other women started before the forest was officially opened — before ban pasāi — and people were so angry that they made the women 's husbands go to the headman and pay a fine of five rupees each . ’
14 He was pin high to the left of the flag and the crowd was stamping and cheering as we walked down to the green .
15 Instead , as we walked down to the bar this evening , he had been all smiles and indulgent gallantry , complimenting us on our appearance , an arm lightly circling each of our waists .
16 As we walked down towards the community centre they all stopped off somewhere to steal some cymbals .
17 As we walked back down the track , the nightingale was still singing .
18 ‘ Her name is Shinko , ’ he told me happily as we walked back to the flat .
19 As we walked back to the dispensary he asked me , almost casually , yet in a way trying to find out how much I knew , ‘ Tell me , what 's the extent of your knowledge of polio ? ’
20 I protested as we walked back to the flat .
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