Example sentences of "[conj] she walked [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The one who was sharing Tony 's bed — and sharing it so enthusiastically that neither of them heard Folly 's approaching footsteps until she walked right into the room .
2 And so they merely shook hands , and she walked off down the garden path to her door .
3 She was breathlessly aware of him and she walked across to the fence that faced the field she could see from her room and stood there looking out into the distance .
4 When I went the receptionist was just leaving and she walked down into the town with me .
5 ‘ What rubbish you talk , ’ his mother said and she walked out of the room with her ironing .
6 And she walked out of the room with something of the same wary insistence on normality .
7 If she walked back into the laboratory Jason would engineer a scene .
8 Vasilissa went stony cold with fear , for the eyes in all the skulls glared at her , but she walked forward to the hut and called out , " Hut !
9 I was slightly taken aback when she walked forward across the road , shaking her head in sorrow or denial .
10 Then she could dress herself — though Ember was right : the others laughed at her for wearing clothes in the burrow , even the other two or three towers , and their mockery made her retreat in teenage confusion when she walked shyly into the crowded common-room .
11 The sun was shining when she walked out of the health club .
12 When she walked in at the back door Mrs Peterson said : ‘ You 're back then .
13 The clear day stretched before her ; when she walked back into the house her day would be filled .
14 When she walked back across the yard her precious little house stared at her malignly , its nest-like quality defaced .
15 But though she walked quickly towards the gate the two girls ran off up the lane .
16 Oh , well , I 've made somebody 's day , ’ she said to herself as she walked briskly through the department , running her eye over the smooth operation of the unit .
17 As she walked briskly along the turning in the cold morning air Nellie spotted Aggie Temple busily whitening her front doorstep and she smiled to herself .
18 Leonora turned her back on the past , bracing herself against the wind as she walked briskly towards the spot where the cliff path began its decent to Seal Haven .
19 ‘ I think I need some advice , after all , ’ Hilary said quietly as she walked up to the little group .
20 Eyes turned as she walked slowly across the room , brushing by this man and that .
21 She hardly had the energy to acknowledge the odd ‘ Well done , Kelly ’ she heard as she walked slowly towards the car park .
22 Donna tried to convince herself of that as she walked slowly around the ruins of Mountpelier Lodge .
23 It was a gesture that touched her , and as she walked away along the fragrant walkway towards the road up to Rosie 's villa she looked at her fingers in the moonlight , and found herself smiling .
24 The smile swept her face and she patted his hand , and then she had spun on her heel and the swing was in her hips as she walked away into the hurrying crowds .
25 Barefoot , she moved with the natural sinuousness of her race , and looking beyond her , Loc saw Jacques Devraux lift his eyes momentarily from his plate to follow the swaying movement of her hips as she walked away from the table .
26 She was white-faced but determined and the policemen stood back as she walked over towards the car .
27 She knew it with the first note she sang , she knew it as she walked jerkily across the stage in a parody of her usual smooth-flowing stride , she knew it as she was forced to search her mind for the next line of a song she knew by heart .
28 The Land Rover engine rumbled on as she walked round to the driver 's door and waited for him to look at her .
29 But as she walked quickly through the enormous building she began to have doubts .
30 Annie disregarded the remark and as she walked out of the side door pushing the baby carriage Bessie turned to her employer .
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