Example sentences of "[conj] she looked [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sliding her arm from beneath him , Beth got out of bed and , wrapping her robe about her shivering form , went first to the window , where she looked out at the moonlit night .
2 She felt a hand on her shoulder and she looked up into the thin face of Edward Morris .
3 Bessie was busy rolling out pastry for the meat pies and she looked up at the young nurse .
4 The desperate woman 's eyes sparkled and she looked up at the crafty totter with new interest .
5 The fortune-teller lay on her back behind the low wall and she was dying , or perhaps she was dead , for her eyes were open and she looked up at the stars .
6 Her hands , like claws , clutched her cup and she looked sorrowfully at the lukewarm tea .
7 Everything she had thought had been a lie and she looked carefully at the things she now possessed with new eyes .
8 Deep inside she knew that if he had tried she would have repulsed him , and she looked out of the window at the moonlit sky .
9 Roman drove steadily over the causeway and she looked apprehensively at the expanse of sea on either side .
10 But she looked down through the glass skylight and recognised in Maggie 's cropped hair and long white body the same contours that she had seen in that other virgin warrior whom she had inspired into battle .
11 But when she looked up at the sky she discovered that the star had gone .
12 Her involvement with Adam and Rourke had brought her nothing but trouble and recrimination so far , and when she looked ahead to the future she could see only a bleak landscape stretching out before her .
13 When she looked back at the road , the red saloon was coming towards her .
14 When she looked back at the window there was the face again ; but it was attempting now to smile .
15 Now , as the throbbing drone of the aircraft 's engines broke through her dark memories , and she wearily attempted to make herself more comfortable in her seat , Laura almost groaned aloud when she looked back at the total innocence and naïveté of her much younger self .
16 When she looked back towards the house , Carla 's face was at the window , peering out like a sailor 's wife watching for masts at the quayside .
17 She went over to it , her mouth dry , her pulses racing , and when she looked down at the cherubic child with bright golden hair she had to grip the arms for support .
18 When she looked down into the channel with Gazzer and saw Simon , water swilling round his waist , she could hardly believe that she was responsible .
19 ANNE Garwood was horrified when she looked out of the window and saw her husband taking in the milk .
20 Now , when she looked out into the Estuary , she saw not seals , or castles , or knights in armour but Mr Bishop 's body , rolling in on the tide .
21 And then , when she looked out from the window of her room in the Palings Hotel , there he was , a star performer modest amid the crowd , the Great Zeno , walking past with his twin , Luke Mallen .
22 As she looked again at the faces of her family she was ready to burst into tears and almost did so but Erika , moving lightly into the kitchen , said : ‘ Fräulein Silber thinks that I should stay with her next week . ’
23 Grim and forbidding were the two well-used words that came to mind as she looked up at the building for the first time ; but there were no words that could easily describe the helpless terror that she felt as the side-gate opened before them and the ambulance had driven through .
24 As she looked up into the spotlight and the rope ladder unfurled she thought the Chinooks had come for her .
25 Relief and anger swept through her as she looked up into the familiar dark , scowling face .
26 She 'd removed her ripped stockings earlier and now , as she looked down at the patchwork of scratches and grazes , she was relieved that there had n't been more damage .
27 She nodded , as she looked down at the tiny poodle .
28 There were tears in her eyes as she looked down across the footlights to the man in the front row , on his feet now , applauding .
29 As she looked down from the stand , the horses for the third race , a handicap over six furlongs , were filing out on to the racecourse .
30 It was a contradiction in terms , Lisa found herself thinking as she looked back across the desk at him .
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