Example sentences of "[conj] i sat at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 About 8 p.m. that evening Taff and I sat at the side of our slit trench eating what I thought was a rather dubious lump of meat .
2 In any case it would be better if I sat at the table , the light was better there and I should not get lazy .
3 At dinner the two cholerics carried on a huddled conversation while I sat at the end of the row feeling the cutlery might melt in my hands .
4 The next problem was how to deliver it , since I sat at the back in English ( our next lesson ) and Belinda sat at the front — which was how I knew that her hair touched her chair !
5 A lovely lady , Molly Braithwaite , came to teach , and one day as I sat at the back I felt ‘ Surely I could do a little of that gently swinging ’ , picked up a club , and was off ‘ moving with the Medau ’ .
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