Example sentences of "[conj] i could see him [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He staggered , and I could see him thinking ‘ I 'm getting out of this for a bit ’ .
2 He took my advice and I could see him thinking that maybe this was n't the best sort of area for his only daughter .
3 He was developing an acute social and political conscience , and I could see him devoting his life to the Labour Party .
4 He staggered , and I could see him looking around .
5 The bus stopped at the traffic lights and I could see him counting his £1 coins .
6 He gets all over the pitch , and I could see him fitting in in all kinds of areas , he used to be good for Spurs even when the defence came under pressure , and he 'd tackle back , becoming the ball winner .
7 There was , at last , a look of alarm on his face , and I could see him wondering whether he really would have to pull the small trigger .
8 I know that Eric was interested in seeing a panzer division on the move and being so close to the enemy but I could see him getting paler and paler , probably at the thought of what would happen if we were stopped .
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