Example sentences of "[conj] i [vb mod] like give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So I 'd like to give him to you .
2 Sir , — The new Mayor of Woodbridge , Mr Tony Hubbard , is encouraging local residents to promote Woodbridge as a commercial and retail centre in the face of the threat posed by new superstores and I would like to give him my support .
3 You know I erm Hugh was talking about erm somebody being thrown out of hospital after gall bladder operation after only two days well fortunately these days there are one or two strives in er in in health care erm to erm which is very much easier to er , operate on people if you 're if you if you 're going to put them out cos the operation 's more er simpler it 's far less stress on patients and and , and they they 're becoming a lot quicker er , clearly if faded out er , the way is completed then er obviously things are serrated with with the chief executive of the health authority and I 'd like to give you this October when when the Chief Executive was .
4 Presently he drew me aside to suggest that if I would like to give him a certain sum his wife and daughter would go immediately and prepare a gypsy supper .
5 ‘ Gentlemen , and lady , ’ he said with a gracious nod in the direction of the only woman present , a journalist with one of the golf magazines , ‘ I do n't wish to spoil your enjoyment , but I would like to give you a brief tour , and I promise it will be brief … . ’
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