Example sentences of "[conj] i [modal v] see [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a damn good job you do n't , laddie , or I could see you being hauled up before the old man . ’
2 Her clothes were different — foreign , and smart — but her hair was red , and although I could see she was n't beautiful I thought she was .
3 I keep the snapshot you sent me by my bed , but although I can see it is you , you look different — so much older .
4 She gives me time to read the label on the front cover Government Commission Press Department , 1974 — then opens it and slowly turns the pages , so that I can see it is a cuttings book , in which the Commission 's Press Officer has pasted the results of his labours , the stories inspired by all his briefings , handouts and leaks .
5 So anyway , this bloke says oh I 'll chase it up and I 'll see what 's going on , he says I 'll give you a ring in morning .
6 ‘ Come along next Tuesday and I 'll see you are enrolled , ’ she said .
7 ‘ I told her to write a message and I would see it was sent . ’
8 He was clutching his attaché case as usual and I could see he was strolling slowly along the path that runs the outer perimeter of the lawn , deeply absorbed in thought .
9 Father hated to be disturbed when he had anybody with him and I could see he was annoyed so I made myself scarce ; I mean I did n't stay to say what I wanted . ’
10 He was dressed in cloth of gold from head to toe , a simple crown on his head , and I could see he was as bored as I by Dacourt 's vapid pleasantries .
11 it was too late came Saturday night he was on morphine tablets , I stayed with him all day Sunday , and I could see he was dying then , I stayed with him all night , all day , and then , gone Saturday night
12 The ball come across and er I see Bedford had his back to the goal , and I could see he was going to swivel and hit it with his left foot , and I 've just come across the goal and er , he just hit it down low to my right hand side and luckily I 've come the right way and pushed it wide .
13 And I could see I was going to get warmer still because the bullock was beginning to enjoy the game , kicking up his heels and frisking around after each attempt .
14 And M was stabbing at the table top with her secateurs and I could see she was white with rage .
15 So anyway she come off the phone there and I could see she was really
16 ‘ Oh no , ’ said Breeze , ‘ we 're not a bit conventional , and I can see you 're not , either .
17 ‘ Oh , I 'eard , yer know , ’ said Archie , ‘ and I can see you 're standin' on yer good 'un , aincher , ducky ?
18 I 'm up to date and I can see it 's going to change in the future really .
19 So they 'll have an hallucination of eating the cake and say yummy is n't this cake lovely , and you and I can see there 's no cake there .
20 But I could see he was perfectly serious .
21 He grimaced , but I could see he was not unpleased , though he tried to hide it by marching me off to give his vegetables their evening watering .
22 The hammer lock kept my head down , but I could see he was carrying a bottle of whisky by the neck .
23 But I could see there was something monk-like about the space there .
24 It 's right , it 's correct it is minus twelve but I could see you were really not very sure what you should be doing about that , that 's great , you 've found , you 've got that down to there , let's have a little look at the number line , zero , one , two , three and so on , minus one , minus two , minus three , minus four .
25 Mum was acting normally , but I could see it was a strain .
26 But I can see we 're not going to agree .
27 He could have had anything that money could buy to cure him , but I can see it 's too late now . ’
28 " But I can see it 's different in here , " he said , as though this , too , was a mark of the superiority of Skipper .
29 And that 's why this is very interesting for you because you now know what your preference is and what you need to think about is that I may be a very high reflector , but I can see there 's , there 's Lou in particular was a very strong activist and when I put them together training , I need to ensure that it 's not the way I like to learn , it is a balanced approach others can also gain , I need to ensure that others gain from this .
30 But I can see you are worried so I 'll get you a hospital appointment . ’
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