Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [art] idea [Wh adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although I 'd no idea how she 'd got the number .
2 She begins one sentence : ‘ Although I have no idea how I shall usefully fill the remainder of my life … ’
3 Thinking about it now , for the first time , I realized that I 'd no idea how a karaso was made : an arm-length shaft of wood , smooth and shiny as a newly opened conker , with five prongs at the end that were perfectly shaped into the smooth curves of a grasping hand .
4 He was too young and too distressed to make any sense , so I had no idea how much he had eaten .
5 This is a bloody awful track , and I 've no idea why the PGA ever schedule a tournament here .
6 We made a token search for it on the way back to the bay , but then he went straight to his boat , and it 's gone , and I 've no idea where to .
7 At that time ( and I 've no idea how things stand now — I have n't been back since ) , Liverpool Street station had no parking space .
8 Yes , and I 've no idea how to spell it actually .
9 To seek help and/or advice : " I 've inherited a circus and I 've no idea how to look after the animals . "
10 After cycling to various different parts of the village pretending to look for him , therefore , I returned and told the Germans that no one had seen my father ; he was probably out in the country on his bicycle but I had no idea where .
11 But I had no idea how to make them so I had to ask my tutor and show him the work .
12 I still did n't think I would die , but I had no idea how I was going to live .
13 But I had no idea how to implement my refusal and , when I began not to eat it was out of apathy and depression , out of a hopelessness concerning myself ( including my body ) , rather than according to a definite plan .
14 ‘ I always heard how marvellous you were , ’ she said to Ricky , ‘ but I 'd no idea how marvellous .
15 ‘ I 've been hearing how marvellous you are , ’ said Ricky drily to Violet , ‘ but I 'd no idea how marvellous .
16 I 'd be happy to pay for a new one , but I have no idea where to go .
17 A gardening friend tells me that it is possible to grow pineapples from their tops , but I have no idea how to do it .
18 Just as I have no idea how Lowden keep their guitars as light as this , I 've no idea how they get such a warm , full response out of a medium-sized , thin-bodied instrument .
19 I 'm sure her mother called her something else , Eunice I think , but most people called her Fly though I 've no idea why .
20 In a whole range of ways like that I try to keep balanced , though I have no idea why .
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