Example sentences of "[conj] i [verb] [adv] [verb] anything " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Not that I 've personally got anything against your legs . ’
2 I could feel him right outside , but it bothered me that I had n't done anything .
3 I told her what she expected to hear — that I had not done anything much .
4 I said that I had never heard anything more extraordinary .
5 erm I , I agree with Ann , not about the government , but I agree that I do n't think anything very obvious will have changed in a year erm but I do n't think it depends on the government .
6 ‘ Not a bit , it 's just that I do n't tell anything , you see , and the Community likes that , they feel I 'm part of them .
7 ‘ What you ca n't accept is that I accept that I do n't know anything .
8 And it 's not true that I do n't get anything out of it when I see him .
9 Apart from that I do not know anything about it .
10 Anybody that could read Dispatches and believe that I did n't suffer anything , I do n't know what they 're reading .
11 ‘ I swear to you that I did n't know anything about it … neither can my sister know , or she would n't have gone with Garry . ’
12 A part of me was do terrified , that I did n't have anything to lose when my turn came , which is why I refused what they wanted to do to me .
13 Eventually I convinced him that I did not want anything .
14 Readers may be surprised to learn that I have never owned anything larger than a 48″ × 18″ × 18″ , though at one point many years ago a 72″ × 18″ ( angle iron , with a divided front like the windscreen in very old Morris Minors ) nearly came to live with me .
15 ‘ I want you more than I 've ever wanted anything in my life .
16 They were both just records to me , so I 've never felt anything like that . ’
17 I know you write under the pseudonym of Ben MacLean and wish to keep your literary activities secret , so I have never seen anything wrong in taking in your mail . ’
18 ‘ I am under local anaesthetic so I do n't feel anything , but I am lucid and I instruct everyone , including the photographer and the doctor . ’
19 I board the plane feeling no pain , eat the evening meal and continue with the G&T theme , land in Gatwick and make the connection via the smoking area of the bar and another gulped Gordon 's , then pass on the second offered dinner but not the accompanying booze and quietly pass out somewhere over the West Midlands , to be woken by a dishy blonde with an impudent , dimpled smile and we 're here we 've landed we 've arrived , we 're on the stand at the airport and I 'd ask her what she 's doing later because I 'm drunk enough to not care when she says ‘ No ’ as she probably will , but I know I 'm too tired and besides my left eyelid 's stuck again and I suspect it makes me look a bit like Quasimodo , so I do n't say anything except , ‘ Uh , thanks , ’ which is cool or sad , I 'm not sure which .
20 And I 've never done anything really badly .
21 Took the chap away and I 've never seen anything of 'em since .
22 I 've backed more shows than you lot have had hot dinners and I 've never seen anything like this .
23 I 've got money , money in premium bonds and I 've never won anything .
24 I did n't feel tired , even though it was after eleven-thirty , and I had n't brought anything to do .
25 I am troubled about certain parts [ he had said ] , and I do n't think anything can be — there could be a redaction , but I think what was left after the redaction would be virtually useless .
26 So we go through the identification rigmarole and I do n't hide anything .
27 ‘ She thinks I do n't know what goes on and I do n't say anything .
28 Kenyon is pugnacious about the challenges : ‘ I think the Radio 3 audience is always going to be a minority and I do n't see anything wrong in that .
29 And I do n't see anything contentious about that .
30 I suppose , after all , I 've had it since ‘ 66 , so I 've been well known for 26 years , which is a long time , and I do n't get anything much out of it any more . ’
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