Example sentences of "[conj] it have [be] suggest that " in BNC.

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1 The stubby third leg is probably the result of the difficulty of building on the marshy ground near the River Welland , although it has been suggested that the ‘ Blackfriars Spur ’ forms the phallus of the bull .
2 The working principle is that obstructions are built into the lock to prevent the wrong shape of key from working the mechanism , and similar designs of lock are still use today ( although it has been suggested that the Romans were not able to invent a lock that could be operated from both sides of a door ) .
3 GCHQ has denied any involvement in intercepting , recording or disclosing the royal recordings … although it 's been suggested that an internal inquiry may already be underway at the Cheltenham centre .
4 Human language is much more powerful — so much so that it has been suggested that the ability to speak is what really distinguishes people from animals .
5 The refuge theory has also been questioned in terms of the botanical information originally used to formulate it , in that it has been suggested that the ‘ refugia ’ may represent regions where collecting has been at its most intense .
6 Methadone does not follow the same metabolic pathways as morphine , so it has been suggested that it may be useful in morphine resistant nociceptive ( paradoxical ) pain .
7 During 1823 Knott trespassed his workings onto the Coniston Estate , and it had been suggested that he agree to arbitration with a " gentleman of the bar " as umpire .
8 Not all of the manual has been disclosed or published , and it has been suggested that the unpublished parts cover the use of plastic bullets , CS gas , and other anti-crowd techniques ( Northam , 1985 ) .
9 This representation of Mithra appears to have been derived from Egyptian art , and it has been suggested that it may have been influenced by the bandages of mummified corpses .
10 And just to cap all this mythological irrelevance , the island of Vulcano is now linked by a small spit of land to another small volcano , Vulcanello , which used to be a separate island , and it has been suggested that this pair comprised the ‘ Scylla and Charybdis ’ , beloved of Homer and modern politicians , but then so have several other island pairs in the Mediterranean .
11 The Kerry has an unusually long history as a specialist dairy breed and it has been suggested that it was being bred for milk production in early Irish Celtic times when , it is thought , milk formed a major part of the people 's diet , either fresh or preserved in various ways .
12 The first wave of aggregation induced by adrenaline is associated with uptake of calcium by platelets , and it has been suggested that a localised flux of calcium into the platelet plasma membrane enables the platelets to stick together ( Gerrard et al , 1981 ) .
13 It is uncertain exactly what contributions Brother Oudart made to the development of the Champagne method but we know that he also used corks from Spain and it has been suggested that he was the first to use a liqueur de tirage .
14 It seems unlikely , especially in the light of the papal prohibition , that monks would have had either the inclination or the experience to have practised mos teutonicus , and it has been suggested that butchers were called in to perform the grisly deeds .
15 There is even some doubt in some quarters as to whether in fact the unfortunate children were interred at Charfield , for it was said that an Army vehicle was noticed briefly at the scene of the accident , and it has been suggested that some of the remains , possibly those of the children , were removed amid the general confusion .
16 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
17 The inquiry of 1259 was never put into effect , and it has been suggested that one reason for Edward 's visit to Gascony in 1273 was the ‘ desire to proceed to this measure ’ .
18 Although such behaviour corresponds closely to the descriptions of other feral children , it is impossible to know whether these children might have developed similar patterns of behaviour even if brought up in greater contact with people , and it has been suggested that feral children might have been abandoned by their parents because of their behaviour problems .
19 The Privy Council in The Wagon Mound ( No. 1 ) stated that their Lordships had not found it necessary to consider the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher in relation to remoteness of damage and it has been suggested that the inference is that causation , not foreseeability , is the test under the rule .
20 Whether the less common B II state actually exists in solution is not clear and it has been suggested that its appearance may be linked to crystal packing effects ( 3–5 ) .
21 East Anglian independence survived long enough for coins to be minted for Aethelberht , king of the East Angles , and it has been suggested that Offa 's East Anglian coinage may not have begun much before c .
22 Method ( 3 ) has also been discussed , and it has been suggested that it would be enhanced by resetting ROI targets each year .
23 Cabezón wrote such versos or versillos and it has been suggested that he was stimulated by the example of Arnolt Schlick ( see p.184 ) who also composed what one might call suites of versets , notably those on ‘ Da pacem Domine ’ in the first part of his Tabulaturen ( 1512 ) , without the choral alternation .
24 Bagnold 's idea about the wave length being controlled by the characteristic grain path has been disputed and it has been suggested that the wave length may be linked with ripple height , in which grain size is important , as well as with wind strength .
25 The Monopolies and Mergers Commission has already been mentioned and it has been suggested that it will have to be involved again .
26 There are nearly 8,000 farm managers in British agriculture and it has been suggested that this young , better trained group are at the forefront of the improvement of agriculture .
27 The Lillian Snelling works , for instance , are of interest to Kew , and it has been suggested that a joint exhibition could be mounted .
28 Pelvic ileal reservoirs have been shown to express colonic phenotypic changes and it has been suggested that the reservoir mucosa undergoes complete colonic metaplasia .
29 In addition , intracerebroventricular injection of neuropeptide Y increases gastric acid and pancreatic secretion in dogs , and it has been suggested that it may mediate the cephalic phase secretory response to feeding .
30 A high prevalence of bile acid malabsorption has been reported in patients with otherwise unexplained diarrhoea and it has been suggested that this is of pathogenetic importance and predictive of improvement with cholestyramine .
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