Example sentences of "[conj] it [modal v] be possible [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although it may be possible in a capitalist society to distinguish several such classes — for example , farm workers , owners of small businesses and professionals , amongst others — there is a strong tendency for such boundaries to disappear , leaving a sharp distinction between the bourgeoisie who control wealth and the proletariat who produce it .
2 I understand that it would be possible for you to supply us with the manuscripts by the end of August this year .
3 Moreover having gone as far as this I do not believe that it would be possible for me to hold the line and refuse to answer any further questions about the composition and activities of the Committees .
4 The result of this examination indicates that it would be possible for Depts I and II to decrease their respective production by approximately 3.3 per cent , and providing Dept .
5 As Jung pointed out , it is necessary for us to have a Shadow , since we can not be everything that it would be possible for us to be .
6 In the first place developing countries accepted the loans that were thrust at them because they believed what the West was telling them — that it would be possible for them to industrialize , to develop their economies to the point where paying back the loan later on would be an easy matter .
7 The Court of Appeal , having reviewed the nature of the flat and the number of beds within it , stated that it would be possible for the landlord to use the flat concurrently with the occupiers and therefore they had only licences .
8 I considered keeping observation actually on the flat but because of its its location , did not feel that it would be possible for armed officers or for that matter , any officer , to maintain observation for any period of time without being seen .
9 It seems clear , however , that it would be possible in other similar circumstances for a police officer to detain such a person for what he or she did after the offence rather than for the crime itself .
10 Close to the date , some of our members were chatting to Llangollen Railway member Peter Cutler , and he suggested that it might be possible for us to see the work on the next extension , to Glyndyfrdwy .
11 This circumstance encourages me to hope that you may , if you have any opening for such a youth , be willing to take George , who is exceedingly desirous of obtaining the situation — or indeed any situation which through industry and a desire of improvement may hereafter insure a creditable independence ; but , above all things he seems to wish that it may be possible for you to take him into a situation similar to that which was offered to his Brother .
12 Though the rich legacy of an extensive black presence on this continent suggests that it may be possible for many commentators , the terms ‘ black ’ and ‘ European ’ remain categories which mutually exclude each other .
13 They have suggested that the carcasses of animals which have died of either disease should not be buried in farm fields , as it is now thought that it may be possible for other livestock to become infected .
14 This paragraph seems to indicate that it may be possible for a person who has received information in confidence which he could have obtained through other sources to relieve himself of the 'special disability " under which he is otherwise placed by going to those sources .
15 Durham 's Director of Cricket Geoff Cook has said that it may be possible for players to adopt individual teams in the later stages .
16 If it is to make good on Mr Bush 's hope that it may be possible to ‘ settle the conflicts that divide the Arabs from Israel ’ , it will have to convince the Israelis that they can be secure even shorn of the occupied territories .
17 David Stirling felt that this was a waste of time and resources and that it should be possible for a large group to maintain itself in the desert for a period of several weeks .
18 But the whole principle is that it should be possible for the reader always to get back from the secondary to the primary source .
19 There are increasing demands that the central institutions of the EEC should be reduced to a minimal role , that Member States should be allowed to integrate only so far as they wish , and that it should be possible for a country to remain within a European free-trade zone , but outside a politically united federation — as Norway , Iceland and the other Efta states have done since the establishment of the EEA .
20 The underlying principle of configuration control states that it should be possible at any time during the lifetime of a supported product to reconstruct a particular supported version of it to ensure that if a change is agreed and installed , then that change and no other would occur .
21 It is anticipated that it will be possible to group magazines into different types , and to use these groupings in the forecasting procedure adopted .
22 I do hope that it will be possible for you to participate in this exercise , even though I realise that many demands are made on people 's time .
23 Now you can not force the client to take that into account and read and understand it , but I do believe that it will be possible for you , in writing to the client , to explain the advantages and the extras which you are incorporating within your er proposed scheme which you feel are absolutely fundamental to the correct working of the project .
24 I can not promise a statement , but the hon. Gentleman knows that it will be possible for him to raise the matter at other times , such as on the Adjournment .
25 The system is being developed so that it will be possible for individual chambers to identify particular court cases .
26 So it will be possible for his father to leave hospital as soon as suitable accommodation is arranged ? ’
27 ‘ What is certain is that the new legislation does provide an opportunity for all VAT exempt businesses to take a close look at their activities and it may be possible for many to commence receiving substantial repayments of VAT .
28 In July the YBC and the LYSG organised a joint Garden Party in the Inner Temple which was successful ( and to a small extent profitable ) despite the ‘ Garden ’ having to be Inner Temple Hall owing to rain , and it may be possible for the two groups to cooperate further in the future .
29 However , greater multidisciplinary use of the nursing notes would decrease the time spent on the latter , and it may be possible to further condense the planning rounds .
30 There have been suggestions in recent years that there 's a sub-group of patients with bladder cancer in whom there is a reduced likelihood of recurrence , and it may be possible in those patients to amend the follow-up protocol and omit the six and nine month check cystoscopies .
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