Example sentences of "[conj] it [be] known that [art] " in BNC.

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1 Where it is known that the debtor has more than one residential or business address , personal calls should be made at all addresses ; ( b ) should the creditor fail to effect service , a first class prepaid letter should be written to the debtor referring to the call(s) , the purpose of the same and the failure to meet with the debtor , adding that a further call will be made for the same purpose on the day of 19 at hours at ( place ) .
2 I refer the Minister to the specific case of the Amoco Montrose platform — now , thankfully , closed — which was given dispensation for nine years although it was known that the accommodation facilities did not meet the fire regulation standards that apply to platforms .
3 Suppose that it is known that a financial expert reaches the ‘ right ’ decision ( whatever that may be ) in 20% more cases than I do when I do not rely on his advice .
4 Suppose that it is known that a certain event is to occur on a certain day , but may take place at only one of two possible times , namely , 12.00 noon or 12.00 midnight .
5 The management should be aware that once it is known that a business is for sale , it is likely that it will be bought by someone , if not themselves .
6 And it is known that the greater the heart-brain distance the greater is the systemic pressure of the blood circulation needed .
7 This nickname possibly came from around 1865 , when this family was associated with the barges operated by William Lee 's works for a quite famous barge by the name of Monarch won many of the annual barge races and it is known that the Mills family skippered these barges .
8 When a person of rank died far from home , and it was known that the funeral would therefore be delayed , embalming allowed the body to remain recognizable long enough for the relatives to make a positive identification on its arrival home .
9 If it is known that a group of books is little used then the borrowing record of items from that group is a nil predictor of future use … unfortunately the satisfying ritual of checking date labels gives the illusion that all is well and seems to be scientifically ennobled .
10 if it is known that the baby has a lot of pain eg , multiple chest drains
11 The indication that the package will be issued as a product serves a useful function for Quality Assurance , as more stringent quality checks can be performed if it is known that the package is intended for issue .
12 The indication that the package will be issued as a product serves a useful function for Quality Assurance , as more stringent quality checks can be performed if it is known that the package is intended for issue .
13 If it was known that a Girl simply had a relation with the disease , she would find herself singled out for extra help to the point of favouritism .
14 If it was known that a bad record led to the dismissal of a headman , then his enemies reported false cases .
15 There are no records of mesotrophic grassland for the Outer Hebrides in the NVC , but it is known that the following communities occur :
16 Caledonian Mining , a Nottinghamshire-based but Scottish-registered company , pulled out of negotiations earlier this week but it is known that the firm retains an interest in Monktonhall .
17 Limits of not more than 5 units ( Hazen ) have been quoted , but this means little unless it is known that the colour is not due to suspended matter .
18 It would be wrong , in my judgment , to order under subsection ( 2 ) the repayment of the price of shares unless it were known that the investor was willing to give up the shares .
19 To some extent this is true , because it is known that an increase in the intensity of the light falling on each pixel accelerates the decay of the charge .
20 The accession of the new Tsar , Alexander II , in January 1855 , was followed by an outburst of diplomatic activity in Paris and London , since it was known that the new sovereign was inclined to peace and the allies were more than willing to bring the conflict to an end .
21 For centuries before the arrival of Westerners it had been the symbol of the soul and of eternal life ; and for the Chinese , who traded with the southern islands long before the time of Christ , the bird became associated with the phoenix myth — which crept across the continents into the mind of medieval Europe , even before it was known that the world was round .
22 Anthills are often seen decorated with flowers , and small offerings of food are displayed near the base when it is known that a Cobra is in residence .
23 When it is known that the police may be needed , give them plenty of warning and bear in mind that their shifts change .
24 Her methods of acquisition ranged from chance discoveries and bargain purchases in shops to point-blank admiration of other people 's possessions , which found some owners parting with their treasures as gifts , while others hid their bibelots when it was known that a visit from the Queen was imminent .
25 It is important for people with HIV to try and keep as healthy as possible as it is known that a balanced diet , rest and relaxation can help to strengthen the immune system .
26 For it was known that the Green , and other parts in the city , were the haunts of peeping-Toms and perverts .
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