Example sentences of "[conj] a series of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The problem was how to assess effort or commitment or end result of one or a series of lessons like discussions or role play or simulations ?
2 He accepts it 's extremely difficult to come up with conclusive evidence that violent films cause violent behaviour , but that a series of studies in America 20 years ago suggested it was a factor .
3 Broca ( 1961 , in Kolb and Whishaw 1985 ) had reported that a series of patients with severe disturbances of speech had all suffered damage to the inferior part of the third frontal convolutions of their left hemispheres and Jackson ( in Kolb and Whishaw 1985 ) had described cases of ‘ petit mal ’ epilepsy which involved only a limited number of ‘ faculties ’ .
4 Perhaps this is because his problem is not a sociological one ; he is engaged in polemic rather than social theory and his work is built around an apocalyptic vision of the future of capitalism rather than a series of questions about social phenomena .
5 Modern law , Lowi has observed , ‘ has become a series of instructions to administrators rather than a series of commands to citizens ’ ( 1979:106 , italics omitted ) .
6 This work with great and powerful climaxes in first and last movements ; with a scherzo as light as thistledown , a truly poetic slow movement and tremendous pageantry in the finale is much more than a series of vignettes of a great city .
7 There are entries on organisations and personalities in the history of the ecumenical movement , and a series of articles on ethical issues such as peace , bioethics , just war and human rights .
8 These include a most valuable Consultation Paper ( No. 120 ) published last year by the Law Commission ‘ Restitution of Payments Made Under a Mistake of Law , ’ for which we owe much to Mr. Jack Beatson and also , I understand , to Dr. Sue Arrowsmith ; and a series of articles by academic lawyers of distinction working in the field of restitution .
9 But the problem continued to get worse and a series of surveys in the 1950s , 1960s and 1970s established the main characteristics of these single , homeless people .
10 The Biennale 's catalogue , published by Allemandi , contains full details of all the exhibitors and a series of essays on aspects of the art market with partcular reference to the current economic situation .
11 They both became totally involved in their work , which included several management medicals and a series of talks on health and safety at work and accident prevention .
12 The two final sections are reserved almost exclusively for Botticelli , with three illustrations for Dante 's Inferno and a series of monochrome on canvas studies for ‘ The Adoration of the Magi ’ , which has been rescued from the Uffizi storerooms and restored for the present exhibition .
13 John told Myfanwy Piper , after he came to England , that the successes of his puppet repertory had been a version of The Little Mermaid , performed to Ravel 's Introduction and Allegro for harp , strings and wind ; a dance for three ballet girls on one string to music from The Nutcracker ; and a series of adventures for two invented characters , a small boy named Pee Wee and his aunt , Anunziata .
14 Our aim was to develop a learning environment and a series of activities in which all pupils would be able to participate actively , and collaborate together .
15 Charles 's failure to call Parliament after 1681 removed the Whig challenge in the Commons , and a series of purges of local corporations , livery companies , and lieutenancies effectively destroyed the local bases of Whig power , both in London and in the provincial towns .
16 We shall consider the two studies which he reports in most detail , and which were most systematically carried out : a sentence completion study ( Piaget , 1928 ) , and a series of studies in which an adult interviewed children about causal phenomena ( Piaget , 1929 , 1930 ) .
17 One somewhat unconventional data source is the newspaper for reconstructing past event-frequency and character and a series of studies by M.G. Pearson ( e.g. Pearson , 1978 ) analysed the incidence of eighteenth and nineteenth-century weather conditions in Scotland based upon reports in newspapers .
18 By 1292 the comté had been sequestrated by philip , and a series of hearings in the paris parlement began .
19 Baker had talks in Jeddah on Nov. 5 with King Fahd of Saudi Arabia as part of a Middle East tour on Nov. 3-7 , followed by a visit to Moscow on Nov. 8 and a series of meetings in European capitals .
20 Forty provides abundant examples of the complex manner in which commerce developed new goods around perceived divisions in the target population and a series of beliefs about the nature of hygiene , domesticity , science and modernity which become enshrined in and reproduced through the appearance of everyday objects , although again the transformation of goods in consumption is largely ignored .
21 It produces a slight herringbone effect on the face of the rug and a series of ridges along the back .
22 The resulting document , the Bourdillon Report , proved at the time to be one of the most useful that had appeared about the bookstocks of British public libraries , since it contained studies of existing provision and a series of recommendations on acceptable standards for provision in the future .
23 Cardiff came back strongly , however , and a series of drives by Kawulok and Sedgemore took them almost to Llanelli 's line .
24 Cardiff came back strongly , however , and a series of drives by Kawulok and Sedgemore took them almost to Llanelli 's line .
25 This will be achieved through a number of exchange visits and a series of workshops in each country .
26 Brought running from the living room by the yells of the unfortunate wretch , she would subdue her husband with dockers language and a series of smacks across his massive crewcut head .
27 Most neatly captured by the notion of the free economy and the strong state ( Miliband and Saville , 1979 ; Gamble , 1988 ) , the project has involved both the disciplinary reaction to those who have come out worst from this restructuring in the handling of uprisings among British Black communities and a series of confrontations with the Trade Union movement and the need to present massive cuts in welfare service delivery as essential for economic prosperity .
28 SAYS Kinsey : ‘ What we have seen in newspaper editorials and in political speeches over a period of time , is a latching on to the problem of crime and a series of assertions about the so-called welfare-dependent underclass .
29 What the approach bequeathed is procedures for surveying large numbers of people at minimum cost , and a series of guides for eliciting " factual " information from respondents in an interview .
30 Lately he has been working on paintings of trees , large-sized drawings of nudes , painted low-reliefs in wood and a series of portraits of poets in which snippets from their work are inscribed ( Beats Alan Ginsberg and Gregory Corso appear in the show ) .
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