Example sentences of "[conj] she [verb] herself [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Ruth saw thrown spears hang in the air as if floating in water , and she thrust herself down into the grass , her face in her hands so as not to see any more .
2 Jamie 's prophetic words floated back to her and she flung herself on to the bed , staring at nothing , her body rigid with the tension of a woman in the grip of violent , unsated desire .
3 Her eyes drifted shut and she gave herself up to the kiss 's magic , her own lips even more gentle and tentative than his .
4 His lips seemed to draw out from her all that was sweet , all that was female , and she gave herself up to the moment with an abandon that shocked her .
5 There was a long moment when she strove to clutch on to her dwindling resistance , then something seemed to make it snap , and she gave herself up to the delicious agony of his touch , helpless in his smouldering embrace .
6 She could feel the great flight of the dragon and sensed that she was high in air and travelling fast towards the sunset ; she could feel the great muscles of the dragon 's wings send ripplings down the stomach walls and she gave herself over to death .
7 The single door beside her slid open , and she pushed herself out of the carriage .
8 He passed a mug to her and she propped herself up on the pillows to accept it .
9 But she gave herself up to police and told them her real motive was to win attention for emotional problems .
10 She was n't good at being silly , but she gave herself over to the moment .
11 Mother Bombie 's last words before she took herself off to her own quarters had been , ‘ Rose — shift over .
12 The wooden seat , when she lifted herself on to it , was still warm .
13 When she threw herself down on the grass , he had expected Underwood to take advantage of the situation , but he sat upright and apart .
14 LABORATORY analyst Emma Lawrie found the right formula for courage when she hurled herself out of an aircraft at 2,200ft .
15 When she pulled herself out of bed and went to the bathroom , instructing me not to look at the sketch , I got the chance to examine it .
16 As she heaved herself up against the pillows she discovered she was wearing a man 's shirt , extra-large and striped , and she 'd never seen that before , either .
17 He let his hand wander a little , and got it petulantly pushed away as she heaved herself out of the clutches of the chesterfield 's upholstery , and sat up on the edge of it .
18 He heard the garden chair squeak and sigh as she heaved herself out of
19 As she let herself in at the front door her mother 's voice came booming out of the kitchen .
20 The three words were not a great deal for Carrie to pin her hopes to , but she had a warm and happy glow deep inside her as she let herself in at the door of the cottage .
21 As she let herself out into the garden through the kitchen door , she gave a small shiver that had absolutely nothing to do with the autumnal chill in the air .
22 ‘ I 'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar — should be back about midday , ’ she called , as she let herself out of the house .
23 Fear thawed her , lending her unusual strength as she tore herself out of Rune 's arms , desire draining from her body and leaving her cold and shaken .
24 ‘ We 're going to have to do something — because I simply ca n't tell you two imps of mischief apart , ’ Laura muttered , groaning as she levered herself up against the pillows .
25 And finally as she hauled herself on to the ice-slick rock where the sun pulsed fire into her eyes , she saw
26 ‘ Some charm , ’ she muttered as she threw herself down on the bed .
27 Her voice ended in a shrill scream , as she threw herself back on the table and flung open her legs .
28 Before she could answer he pulled her close again and any thoughts of answering fled as she gave herself up to the excitement .
29 A sigh escaped her , and as she gave herself up to the pleasure of his embrace her arm rose to entwine about his neck .
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