Example sentences of "[conj] they gave [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I think that day that they gave me a lift home .
2 She says that they gave them every assistance possible .
3 But anyway we , they must have been so impressed by the , the order that they got , that they gave us the agency for Galashiels and Selkirk for the Austin .
4 Some of the things he said made no sense so they gave him a crack across the head and took him away .
5 Of course they did n't get the portable with this , they rang them up , said where 's my colour portable said I 'll put you on to the manager anyway they had some deal that night that erm to launch this Mini Mayfair or whatever it was wine and cheese thing so he went to the wine and cheese thing and worried he was gon na kick up a fuss so they gave him a telly anyway .
6 ( He should have won a Nobel Prize for general relativity , but the idea that space and time were curved was still regarded as too speculative and controversial , so they gave him a prize for the photoelectric effect instead — ; not that it was not worth the prize on its own account . )
7 Back on the recovery ship , they opened the hatch and there was Ham with his arms crossed , looking gloriously bored by the whole episode , so they gave him an apple !
8 IMC could , but there was no legal way to transfer information — so they gave me a virus and I implanted it into the starsuits .
9 Anyway , so they gave us a bottle of wine .
10 ‘ Did she come through here ? ’ he demanded of the astonished-looking Chinese family at one of the restaurant 's six plain tables , and they gave him a look of complete incomprehension .
11 They dressed and lit him against his character — softening where they ought to have emphasised the toughness — and they gave him a part with no verbal bite and no guts but even so it was not a bad first break for the boy from the snooker halls of Port Talbot .
12 They could have told you what they meant by them and they gave them a currency in terms of their own conduct .
13 But they were very kind and they gave me a part in this play , it was called Tilly of Bloomsbury .
14 So I got the tyre off , and I got the spare on , and put the nuts on , and at the end of it , I gave a bow , and they gave me a round of applause .
15 place on Sunday and they gave me a meal .
16 and to St Giles and they heard about me and they offered me a month 's holiday and they were complete strangers and they gave me a month 's holiday
17 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
18 I 'd been to see my great-aunt 's solicitors in Glasgow and they gave me the keys .
19 And they gave me the job . ’
20 And they gave us a sheet .
21 ‘ Finally , we went to the office and they gave us a cheque , which bounced . ’
22 You see the i it was er we used to make curtains then for Littlewoods , Littlewoods as it is now , they 're still , you know , the they were about the forerunners of the er tt this er catalogue business , and if they gave us an order that would last us a long time , and that usually the eight points , which was meant to say there were eight threads to an inch .
23 But if they gave you a toy made in Japan , you wondered . ’
24 Oh there was no such thing if they gave you the money , you might nip off . .
25 The airport hotel was an expensive way to live , but they gave him a trade reduction , which seemed the logically absurd extension of a farcical situation .
26 The plans were sent to the Governors of the Greenwich Hospital , but they gave him no encouragement .
27 They 'll win that one — 'cos they gave me a fiver .
28 Before they gave me a bike I had to earn it , I had to work in the garden .
29 ‘ They knew I had insurance because I took it out with the TSB when they gave me the loan . ’
30 The Government must have thought that he was worth the money when they gave him the job and they must value his advice .
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