Example sentences of "[conj] they are likely to [be] " in BNC.

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1 We can wander over all , or most , of the river bank and either look for the fish themselves or for swims where they are likely to be .
2 Teenagers who consistently fail to let parents know when they will be home , or where they are likely to be , can not expect to be allowed to stay out to all hours .
3 Although they are likely to be far fewer , items of income — for instance , lettings — are also likely to be identified in any budget format .
4 The very nature of their distress means that they are likely to be unable to go out and face the social whirl , at least initially .
5 And although that may mean that stars with planets are less likely to be found in places other than co-rotation orbits , the corollary would be that they are likely to be found within such orbits .
6 There nevertheless remain some aspects of the scheme which demonstrate how difficult it seems to be for government to jettison the original ideas of the Beveridge Report ; for example , the Invalid Care Allowance ( ICA ) , which was introduced as recently as 1976 , is not payable to married women on the grounds that they are likely to be at home anyway and hence not in need of compensation for giving up paid work in order to care for a chronically sick person in their household ( Groves and Finch , 1983 ) ; the tax system ( which is not under detailed discussion here ) still assumes that all men need an additional allowance to help pay for the cost of ‘ keeping ’ a wife .
7 Chapter 1 noted that competitive conditions in many product markets are such that they are likely to be tolerant of managerial ineffectiveness and in some substantial deviations from the profit goal will not be incompatible with enterprise survival .
8 I am not sure who is more demoralised by that — the local people , who frequently complain that they do not get a quick response when they need help , or the local police , who attend the crime in an attempt to do the good job that they intended when they entered the police force , knowing that they are likely to be pulled in all directions to answer calls on a blue line that has been pulled far too thin by the Government 's demands .
9 Finally a few general relationships are selected on the basis that they are likely to be relevant to the research on risk and memory for driving situations which is described in the following chapters .
10 However , the potential reserves offered by these reefs would be minimal because of their relatively small size , and they are likely to be only of limited interest as exploration targets .
11 They are very costly and they are likely to be resisted by various sections of the community , including some of those who stand to benefit from such policies .
12 The researchers are reassessing the scales and they are likely to be replaced in the final version .
13 Agreements have to be notified and they are likely to be outlawed .
14 People are avoided if they are likely to be at all stressful ; phone-calls go unreturned ; even social events that would normally be pleasurable and fun may feel like yet more demands on a person 's time .
15 1 Contact community nurses and other services if they are likely to be required .
16 ( I grant that the difference is not absolute , and there may be elements of the affective and the intuitive in the pursuit of any intellectual discipline , but they are likely to be marginal . )
17 To a remarkable extent , blind people do cope with the many hazards to personal safety which exist but they are likely to be more vulnerable in an unfamiliar environment .
18 Most problems will fall short of these rather alarming possibilities , but they are likely to be more complicated in themselves .
19 Of these , the first three ( rules , programmes and procedures ; hierarchical referral ; goal-setting ) are very basic and can be found in practically any organisation but they are likely to be insufficient for non-routine activities , so organisations must also choose some combination of the remaining four options .
20 These trees were planted by the , from the public purse but they are likely to be harvested by private owners , so I 'm not particularly be to happy about that .
21 But they are likely to be of greater strategic than employment significance , and there will be losses .
22 One afternoon , Mr Charles to his shame and regret had allowed himself to become inebriated in the company of two fellow guests — gentlemen I shall merely call Mr Smith and Mr Jones since they are likely to be still remembered in certain circles .
23 Such applicants may be asked to take a test or take part in some other selection procedure to assess whether they are likely to be able to cope with the work expected of a university student .
24 This enables those concerned to gain a firmer idea of what the new country holds in store for them and decide whether they are likely to be happy living there .
25 Computerised financial models are employed to analyse the behaviour of the fiscal systems in the four countries to test whether they are likely to be consistent with the objectives of the parties in the changing operating environment .
26 Taking alone the synoptic gospels , for they are likely to be closer to the words of Jesus , the facts are as follows .
27 Such interjections are clearly ironic as they are likely to be those of the ‘ trained ’ nouveau roman reader who has come to regard the decentring of the author as paradigmatic of contemporary experimental fiction .
28 It would be best to grow them on in the smaller tank as they are likely to be attacked , if not eaten , by the larger fish .
29 This immobility also makes it essential for him to be on good terms with his neighbours , as they are likely to be there , for better or worse , for most of his life .
30 Inquire locally at the tourist office of Winterthur for opening times of these castles , as they are likely to be subject to variation from time to time .
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