Example sentences of "[conj] they present [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 MacDonald concludes with the view that non-traditional students are an advantage to higher education although they present it with a challenge .
2 And they presented me with a Winston Churchill half-crown for my boxing .
3 The Barons in England were furious at John and they presented him with the Great Charter — Magna Carta — prepared by Archbishop Langston , to which John authorised the attachment of his seal at Runnymede , beside the River Thames , in June 1215 .
4 Under the general safety requirement , retailers are criminally liable if they knowingly expose an unsafe product for sale , whereas in civil law , under the product liability regime , retailers are liable to third party victims only if they present themselves as the producer or can not identify the person who supplied them with the product .
5 The best kept secret of this election may be that poll tax collectors plan a massive drive to catch those who have failed to register for poll tax , or those who have registered but failed to pay it , when they present themselves at the polling booths tomorrow .
6 Scholes provides a useful table , divided into three columns , showing how linguists and philosophers have agreed in making a tripartite division between signifier , signified , and reference , though they present it in a variety of terminologies .
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