Example sentences of "[conj] they have [adv] failed [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It finds that the surveyed authorities spent a ‘ great deal of time and effort ’ developing the so-called care programme approach , although they had largely failed to implement monitoring systems .
2 While many new ideas have been promoted for budgetary reform it remains the case that they have generally failed to gain general acceptance .
3 Not only had they failed to think it through under the ‘ what if strategic planning heading , but they had also failed to consider how they were going to project the change or how the people were going to react .
4 Many studies have examined the diagnostic potential of immunohistochemistry , but they have generally failed to show the clear definitions found with prostate specific antigen or thyroglobulin .
5 They have made interesting and occasionally convincing criticisms , but they have totally failed to suggest an alternative future for this country .
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