Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] find [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The thing had died , and for its death they could also find no reason … no more than they could find a reason for how it was able to live in the first place .
2 We pray for those who are seeking to bring peace , in Yugoslavia , in the Middle East , in South Africa , in Northern Ireland , that they may find a way to true and lasting reconciliation .
3 Police said yesterday that they could find no motive for the murder of 11-year-old Tasleen Akhtar , whose body was found in an alley near her home in Sparkhill , Birmingham .
4 If he 'd thought about it at all , he 'd imagined that they could find the Shuttle plane and wedge the Thing on it somewhere .
5 They need to remember that even Jesus did not primarily draw attention to himself , but taught men that they could find the Father through the way he showed , the truth he revealed , and the life he lived .
6 ‘ We suggested to the ministry a long time ago that they should find a flock with salmonella and test the eggs for salmonella .
7 They have suffered a terrible ordeal , and it is my sincere hope that they will find the peace of mind that they so richly deserve .
8 So far the museum has raised about half the amount and fingers are crossed that they can find the rest before June .
9 Art historians may be interested in anything which requires the use of one 's eyes in order to understand it , from Chartres Cathedral and Michelangelo 's Moses to the signs and symbols of everyday life in twentieth-century society , and they may find the objects of their study anywhere from the sale rooms to the archaeologist 's excavation trench .
10 However , when somebody else uses your program they are not blessed with your insight and they may find the program " crashing out " to the command mode without knowing what they have done wrong .
11 He was wrong there , having misjudged the mood of Londoners , because even those who were completely bombed out and had nothing except the clothes they stood up in , nearly all came back again when the bombing eased off and they could find a roof to cover them .
12 The problems and abuses connected with the laws of settlement will be discussed below ; for the moment we are concerned to stress that persons with a settlement in a parish had a real claim to relief should misfortune or simply age overtake them , or indeed if they could find no work or even none at wages sufficient for the support of the family .
13 The children looked all along the bank to see if they could find a boat .
14 The effect of the decision was to give women the choice of an abortion during the first six months of pregnancy if they could find a doctor to carry it out , and it came to have enormous symbolic importance for feminists .
15 If they could find a cure for the common cold .
16 If they could find the body , that would be fine .
17 So if they can find a way at working with one another and realizing that this is their life !
18 Planners will today be told to see if they can find a way to close a vital Nottingham City Centre link road without causing major traffic problems .
19 Thrown out , blinking , into the daylight , we wondered if they 'd find the jars .
20 But do you feel it ought to be a free market erm situation , at least to the extent that anyone can move into any area they wish to provided they could find a place to live ?
21 So Adam sat chafing in Castell Coch while Owen and his men camped in the forest beyond Gungrog Fawr , and waited until they should find a chance to cross the river again .
22 If their giro did n't come , erm the only way of of contacting D H S S , was either to go down , or to walk all round until they could find a telephone to do it .
23 They were staying in a hotel until they could find a Hat , but his doctor insisted that they spend some days in Brighton so that he could properly recover .
24 But they could find no food so she set out to walk to Trnopolje , where she hoped she could feed her baby .
25 The warden at the tiem remembers seeing someone like Eila , but they could find no record of her name .
26 There was no further reward in points for Leicester , however , because they could find no way through the Harlequin wall .
27 Genestealers are n't creatures of Chaos even if they do hang out in hulks in the warp till they can find a world to prey on . ’
28 In order to gain some idea of the adequacy of the diet , I asked several people from poor families outside how much rice they ate and whether they would find the prison food acceptable .
29 Though they may find the standards high , most people believe in right and wrong , truth and falsehood .
30 He concluded the scene by saying that we would soon be stopping at Newmarket , but that British owners should n't get off the train as they would find no races there .
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