Example sentences of "[conj] he be sit [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We are then told that he is sitting outside the church built to the dedication of Saint Francis ‘ Brother of the poor ’ .
2 What Ken did not tell was that he was sitting on a chamber pot when Sir Noel walked into the dressing room .
3 It shows that something stupid and it just went , spine , and he was sitting on the pavement out there for three or four minutes in agony ,
4 A few minutes later the Deruta vase containing about half a kilo of assorted chocolates had been placed on the rear seat of the Volvo and he was sitting in the front watching Cinzia tear up the parking ticket which had been tucked under the windscreen wiper .
5 He 'd sent a photograph in and he was sitting in the garden and right and he was on a garden chair and he had his nice hair washed and shiny .
6 Anyway he looked like that he had a red car and he was sitting in the car and he put them down like that and they were like that in the car and after I thought I should 've popped at her house see if she 's wearing that in the house I thought you git .
7 This was Mr Ross 's office and he was sitting behind a desk .
8 I lifted Harry until he was sitting on the walkway and then , still gripping him tightly , wriggled up beside him so that we were both sitting there with our heads wholly above water , which may not sound a great advance but which was probably the difference between life and death .
9 The carer then holds him in the same way as if he was sitting on the side of the bed , with his head resting on her shoulder , and lifts him up and round onto the second chair .
10 I 'd think twice about levelling those jarges at Jake Burns if he was sitting in the same room as me but seeing as he 's on a car phone whizzing up London 's Tottenham Court Road , what the heck !
11 Wycliffe , in the big black leather armchair by the empty grate , wondered if he was sitting in the old man 's chair .
12 She sat up very straight on the side of the bed and continued to address him as if he were sitting on a mat in the Top Infants , wrestling with difficult , dangerous new concepts like add-ups and take-aways and the precise whereabouts of Australia .
13 But he was sitting in the car was he and and she came and back into him ?
14 That was n't difficult , because he was sitting in the middle of the largest and noisiest group in the room — also they were the only ones speaking English .
15 ‘ We ca n't work out how he could have killed his wife while he was sitting at the opposite end of the table , ’ said Constable Bewman näively .
16 It was as if the hawk could hear the rabbit running along the tunnels inside the hedge , while he was sitting on a post on top of the hedge .
17 Swear when he was sat at the top of the stairs shivering he looked so thin .
18 One day he saw them both through the window of a hotel bar when he was sitting on a bus in Shaftesbury Avenue .
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