Example sentences of "[conj] he 's supposed to be " in BNC.

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1 I stuck with Molassi 'cause he 's supposed to be a friend of Rodo 's , who 's supposed to be a friend of mine .
2 Paul had asked me to do a swap to do his early next Wednesday so yeah , put the form in and everything the form came back today saying he 's already on a late and the day that he 's supposed to be repaying me he 's already on shift
3 and he 's supposed to be obtaining initials with the
4 Well I , other week I got this beds er not bedspread duvet cover and he 's supposed to be slight second and I can 's see nowt wrong with that .
5 suburban commander and he 's supposed to be from another planet or something or other
6 er I think , I know he 's not around very much at the moment because he 's supposed to be on sabbatical but , you know , erm do
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