Example sentences of "[conj] [indef pn] [modal v] like [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And I think that someone would like to dance it with me , ’ she said , as Herman , lured by the smile , came across and with a ludicrous bow , asked Erika if she would do him the honour of the dance , Erika graciously accepting , to her delight leaving Fritz looking disconsolate and unhappy .
2 Within the next , er month or so a national consultation is being held within the URC to consider the advice of producing a programme of training for eldership which will be used throughout the call of the church and if there are any suggestions or any proposal that anyone would like to make I shall be very glad to receive them within the next month .
3 We only have an A4 scanner but if somebody would like to send me the relevant pages from the Torygraph I will have a go , the address is coming up at the end of the progrmme .
4 So if anybody would like to write I 'll let them have all the addresses , there are about eight there , so erm , otherwise it 's just the urgent action network which is er a constant thing really .
5 Raffle prizes went to , , and and there are a few Christmas Cards and boxes of crackers left if anyone would like to buy them !
6 If anyone would like to share their story with other readers , whether it 's happy , sad , amusing or just a bit out of the ordinary , then please write to us at the usual address .
7 Mr Davies has now written to me in connection with his research on BCR , saying — ‘ if anyone would like to help I can certainly suggest ways in which they might do so .
8 And indeed the the report of course is available if anyone would like to read it .
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