Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] a [adj] amount [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think what you 've got to be careful of and it 's always a difficulty when you 're looking at er benefits and dis-benefits of major road schemes , you 'll see that we go into a tremendous amount of or collect a tremendous amount of information about the different impacts .
2 Now surveys show that it is in fact quite common and that as many as 61% of women experience it and suffer a certain amount of discomfort as a result .
3 She says that it could take at least ten years and cost a considerable amount of cash .
4 ‘ Woody , ’ Rogers said , ‘ is it all right with you if we all go over to St Denis and cause a certain amount of devastation ? ’
5 We want to look at stress now , and realise that it is not all negative , in fact some people actually go out and seek a fair amount of stress .
6 Like pluralists , structuralists are aware of the dysfunctional nature of military expenditure for capitalism and devote a considerable amount of time to dismantling any simple economist or reductionist account of the growth of the military-industrial complex .
7 Carefully lift each piece of leaf or flower used in the design and apply a smallish amount of glue to its underside .
8 Lightly cover the eyelid with a neutral block of colour , increasing in depth towards the outer lid and smudge a small amount along the edge of the lower lashes , Clinique 's Naturalist collection of colours are perfect for this .
9 IFAs are an essential part of centralised mortgage lending and instigate a significant amount of business .
10 But an increasing proportion of the users of the Archive are nevertheless very naive and need a large amount of support and assistance from Archive staff in depositing and accessing data .
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