Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] they [prep] the door " in BNC.

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1 They kept newspaper cuttings on how dangerous the streets were , and stuck them to the door of the fridge with little magnets .
2 He pulled Rosheen and Klift to their feet and shoved them through the door .
3 So we got a pair of football boots and some books and wedged them on the door , thinking that she 'd naturally see them .
4 Hemmings nodded and Elaine pulled herself from her chair and saw them to the door .
5 They stood to leave and as an afterthought Cobalt got up , too , and saw them to the door .
6 Two days ago when they had carted out Menzies the minister and Fleming the young teacher from along the road at Dull and danced round them like children at a Halloween fire and stuck them up on horses , facing backwards , and paraded them past the door and down the road to Aberfeldy , he had flung a soft carrot himself and caught the man on the side of his face .
7 Then I got up and took the two rugs by their corners and dragged them outside the door .
8 Nellie had packed the two children 's bags and left them at the door .
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