Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] 10 [unc] cent of " in BNC.

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1 The worst affected trees were in the UK , where 57 per cent of trees had lost 25 per cent or more of their leaves , partly as a result of a series of dry summers ; the healthiest were in France and Spain , where only 10 per cent of trees suffered substantial leaf loss .
2 The situation is worst around the Aral Sea , where only 10 per cent of the local water supply is fit to drink .
3 Duodenal ulcers are more common than gastric ulcers in the UK where about 10 per cent of the population have ulcers or ulcer scars .
4 Ministers still stand by Lawther 's conclusion that only 10 per cent of lead in the human body is likely to come from additives in petrol .
5 Clarke suggests that only 10 per cent of the iodine-131 escaped .
6 Verbrugge ( 1989 ) considers that only 10 per cent of the gender difference in late-age mortality is due to biological or intrinsic factors and 90 per cent is a result of differences in social variables such as smoking behaviour ; Waldron ( 1976 ) suggests that 75 per cent of the difference is attributable to behavioural factors .
7 Khasbulatov also said that only 10 per cent of the population were living in satisfactory conditions , and that Russia was experiencing the " pauperization and lumpenization " of its people .
8 The same diplomatic source also said that only 10 per cent of FALA soldiers had been demobilized and that UNITA retained an effective force of 47,000 with heavy equipment intact .
9 The notion that " one hour 's sleep before midnight is worth two afterwards " has perennially been invoked to put children to bed early ( although only 10 per cent of the survey sample believed it to be true ) .
10 Preceding the national survey , regional studies in 1981 and 1982 had suggested that under 10 per cent of German trees were affected .
11 Some 4,690 Wensleydale households took part in the survey which shows that nearly 10 per cent of local residents need immediate additional accommodation or will do so shortly .
12 Estimates of the extent of desertification vary ; the Gaia atlas of planet management ( Myers 1985 ) , for example , suggests that c. 10 per cent of the 700 million people that inhabit the arid and semi-arid zones are living in areas that are becoming impoverished and that c. 12 million ha of land are degraded annually to such an extent that they are agriculturally unproductive .
13 Overall it seems likely that about 10 per cent of the population aged 65 + experiences depressive illness of clinical significance ( Table 5.7 ) .
14 The preliminary findings of an EC report on air pollution in Europe have concluded that about 10 per cent of the European Community 's forests have been damaged by sulphur emissions .
15 Phillips and Williams ( 1982b ) found that over 10 per cent of the 1,000 applicants in South Devon were living in bedsitters or caravans , while about one in five were sharing a kitchen , bathroom or WC ; 5 per cent were living in accommodation that lacked at least one of these facilities , and some even lacked mains electricity or water .
16 Today , our lifestyles have become more busy , and only 10 per cent of us eat a full cooked breakfast .
17 Gets as far as this : Migration of Sperms : ‘ Approximately 400 million sperms are present in each ejaculation … if only 10 per cent of the sperms reach the cervical canal a total of approximately 40 million sperms will have reached this favourable haven .
18 For example , if only 10 per cent of crime is recorded in the statistics , but this nevertheless accurately reflects the full range of crime and criminals , then the statistics would provide a representative sample .
19 As a result , in the sixty years from 1851 the proportion of old people living in institutions almost doubled , rising to over 7 per cent of men over 65 and nearly 10 per cent of those over 75 , and slightly over half this figure for women .
20 It is the more-educated people who most use complementary medicine , thus helping to dispel the idea that it is ‘ unscientific ’ and used only by the uncritical ; and about 10 per cent of clients going to complementary practitioners are referred by doctors or paramedics .
21 The port never recovered from this blow and about 10 per cent of the trade lost to Gdynia during this crisis never returned .
22 Nearly 20 per cent of the bottom third and about 10 per cent of the top chose July on each occasion , possibly because it is both one of the two hottest and one of the two sunniest months .
23 There are around three million players in Britain , but only 10 per cent of these are actually affiliated to a club and around 10 per cent of the club members are actually rated .
24 Around four million barrels ( 660,000 tonnes ) of oil were being burned each day in March 1991 , nearly three times the pre-war Kuwait output and almost 10 per cent of the world 's daily ration .
25 Many sixth-formers , of course , left a maintained school to go on to universities , but only 10 per cent of these went to Oxford or Cambridge , compared with nearly half of the university-bound sixth-formers from the Public Schools .
26 Notice that 16.1 per cent of the male labour force was recorded as unemployed in April 1985 , but only 10 per cent of the female labour force was so recorded .
27 There are around three million players in Britain , but only 10 per cent of these are actually affiliated to a club and around 10 per cent of the club members are actually rated .
28 This could lead the promoter into spending more money on advertising than may be necessary because only 10 per cent of these expenses are his or her costs .
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