Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] gave [pron] [pos pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was not Diana 's day to lunch so they gave me her secluded table from which to view the proceedings .
2 The professors realized that I was doing very important work , and so they gave me my own laboratory .
3 Legend has it that the mandarin was so grateful to Earl Grey for services rendered that he gave him his secret tea recipe , to keep mind , body and spirit together in perfect harmony .
4 I 've always had an ear for accents , and I gave them my best German and Italian and my speciality : French with a hint of Punjabi .
5 But how I longed to be gallant , as they say ; to ask her if I might kiss her on both cheeks if I gave her my two violets .
6 And she gave him her stupid listen-to-me laugh .
7 It was his only comment after an hour 's play , and she gave him her flashing smile , remarking , ‘ Dare all , ’ Papa used to say , ‘ and the game will reward you — always provided that you cover your back . ’ ’
8 She went on a school trip to a museum and we gave her our little camera which I could never use .
9 ‘ I may be overset , ’ he said , his voice and manner that of the daylight man again , ‘ but I am still quite capable , ’ and he gave her his charming smile .
10 This extravaganza was directed by Max Reinhart and it gave me my first experience as an impresario , for I was commissioned by the MGM office for Canada to ‘ organize the promotion ’ of the film in our area .
11 In spite of the anxiety she had recently undergone , she was the picture of health , and Roger 's heart warmed — as everyone 's did — when she gave him her radiant smile .
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