Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] walked up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If , if I walked up to a policeman in the street and gave him a little shove , the chances are he would arrest me , unless it was done in a totally friendly way .
2 And then the Sergeant nudged Devlin and he walked up to the desk where Cardiff was sitting .
3 I believe I gave Joe a bit of a shock when I walked up to the table and played a few shots with him .
4 I thought about it as I walked up through the weedy garden .
5 ‘ I think I need some advice , after all , ’ Hilary said quietly as she walked up to the little group .
6 As they walked up towards the main road , he was surprised to see her turn round to wave at the policemen as if they were old friends .
7 A burst of applause greeted caddies and players as they walked up into the arena .
8 He sang that old sea song as he walked up to the inn door :
9 As he walked up to the house his black bitch , Polly , joined him from behind the compost heap in which she had been happily rootling the past half-hour .
10 And finally , thought Ian as he walked up through the Cathedral stairs from the crypt office , what does the Bishop want two of after Evensong and why did he put the phone down on me when he failed to get the odious Williams ?
11 As he walked up beside the 17th Patrick met O'Grady trudging disconsolately back to the tee to play a second ball .
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