Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] 've [be] asked [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now the first story that I 've been asked to tell specially comes not from this country we 'll just let our lads here get dressed because you , you knew that the story was gon na come from a very hot country did you ?
2 So they 're not sheltered , they 're purely residential , units of residential accommodation , so you 've been asked to look at a at an application for , for a completely new residential block on the same grounds as was occupied by forty seven sheltered units .
3 Your Royal Highness , Ladies and Gentlemen my name 's Rod I normally masquerade as the Chief Racing Coach for the Royal Yachting Association but I 'm not here in that capacity this afternoon but the coordinator rather a grand title for the Year of Youth Sailing and I 've been asked to give you a short ten minutes or so briefing on where we 're up to with th this project this year erm I know there are many familiar faces around so I apologize to those of you that may know some of this information already .
4 Erm for one world week on the twenty fourth of October and we 've been asked to do a stall there .
5 Unless you 've been asked to fill a longer time , aim at making your item three to four minutes in length .
6 I really wanted to go to ‘ Ps + Gs ’ at Easter for a change , plus I 've been asked to help with communion in the evening .
7 Whether you 've been asked to open the discussion or not , you should prepare yourself for the tutorial as follows :
8 I feel as though I 've been asked to define , what is the length of a piece of string ?
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