Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is [adv] recognised [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The one-year course is only to lay down the foundations of good technical training — and it is widely recognised that the course simply pushes the student into the profession with enough practical experience to find his or her feet .
2 Research shows that many debilitating diseases are often precipitated by stress , and it is well recognised that conditions like heart disease , gastric ulcers , mental illness , colitis , hypertension , skin disorders and several others have their origin in stressful situations .
3 The risks involved are thus extremely high , and it is generally recognised that close management control of these companies by the venture capital funds in necessary , as compared with the more remote approach of investors on the Stock Exchange .
4 Obviously , it does not suddenly become safe to steepen the climb at a certain height , and it is now recognised that the angle should be progressively steepened .
5 And it is now recognised that the great mountain chains are always found on the side of the continental plate facing the direction of its drift .
6 Far dimmer and simpler than ours , but they certainly exist , and it is now recognised that they can and do suffer from stress .
7 With the current financial structuring of the service , even in trusts , until it is generally recognised that more than just a pen and speculum are required in gynaecological outpatient clinics the value of outpatient surgery will not be realised .
8 The significance of migrating larvae of S. vulgaris in natural cases of colic is difficult to assess , but it is generally recognised that where strongyle infections of horses are efficiently controlled the incidence of colic is markedly decreased .
9 It was for many years claimed to be the earliest example of the true arch in Europe , but it is now recognised that it was constructed in the sixth century as an open drain and that it was only roofed over with its present stone vault of three concentric rings of radiating voussoirs in 184 B.C. Its exit into the Tiber can still be seen in Rome near the Ponte Rotto ( 68 ) .
10 The migrating larval stages in large numbers may cause a transient pneumonia , but it is now recognised that many cases of so-called " Ascaris pneumonia " may be attributable to other infections , or to piglet anaemia .
11 This is convenient because it is now recognised that they are such an important aspect of the transaction ; and pension under-funding or , in recent times more likely , over-funding , can involve such large amounts of money that the arrangements will generally be negotiated separately from the rest of the agreement by specialist pension lawyers from the parties ' solicitors and the parties ' respective actuaries .
12 While it is well recognised that London has its own distinctive speech , characterised by features of accent and grammar in particular , there are surprisingly few " dialect " studies of London ( in contrast with , for example , areas more traditionally thought of as using " dialect " , such as Lancashire or Norfolk ) .
13 And since it is generally recognised that managers cost their companies at least three times their annual salary , the scope for cost-saving is enormous .
14 Britain points out that the Bush Administration is still using its political weight in the IMF to block financial relief for Vietnam , even though it is widely recognised that the exodus from Vietnam will only stop when living standards improve .
15 Even though it is generally recognised that , at best , the principles of operant conditioning described in Verbal Behaviour contribute but a small part to our understanding of the processes of language development , this does not immediately rule out the possibility of employing techniques based upon operant conditioning to help those children who are not developing language in the normal way .
16 This assumption is not tenable as it is now recognised that the unstimulated output of prostacyclin by blood vessels is low ( reviewed by Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
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