Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is [adv] possible that " in BNC.

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1 One rejoinder to this would be to cite cases like : ( 35 ) our new neighbours said they had had their old house painted mauve where it is perfectly possible that the house is much younger than anybody in the family .
2 Perhaps Jesus meant by this the ‘ outcasts ’ of Jewish society , although it is equally possible that he meant that God 's message — the kingdom — was for everyone , regardless of race .
3 Although it is still possible that subjects ’ perceptions of the tasks could have been altered by the different exemplars of a junction that were viewed in the different experiments , it does not appear that the subset of 24 were unrepresentative of the full 60 .
4 It has not proved possible to locate any smaller scale surveys specific to any areas , although it is always possible that some could exist somewhere !
5 Conversely , projects which encourage a caring attitude in boys and acceptance of ‘ non-macho ’ traits would presumably act to deflect the automatic expression of male toughness or aggression although it is always possible that hostility to the course itself could provoke even more of a ‘ male backlash ’ .
6 But it hardly supports the conclusion which , without further ado , Berkeley draws from it : that it is not possible that sensible things ‘ should have any existence out of the minds or thinking things which perceive them ’ .
7 There may perhaps be properties which are evidence-transcendent , by which we mean that it is always possible that they be absent even though we have the best possible evidence of their presence .
8 They all require us to make sense of the realist thought that it is always possible that , unknown to us , the world differs radically from the way it appears to us , and argue from this that we can not know that the world really is the way it appears to us .
9 But one has to bear in mind that it is always possible that you could have other materials for riding and so on .
10 Of course , ‘ Little Bangs ’ would necessarily be widely separated , so it is perfectly possible that there simply are n't any near enough to us to be detected : in an infinite Universe , our local patch — vast though that volume of space might seem to us to be — would be very small indeed .
11 The resources of the NVC were limited , and they were not able to survey every vegetation type in the Outer Hebrides , so it is quite possible that there are more communities present than have been recorded .
12 Many women in their 40s/50s/60s are involved in looking after and nursing ageing parents so it is quite possible that a specified age range of 45 to 65 could also be indirect sex discrimination .
13 The argument is clearly fallacious : just as rules of logical deduction can be stated which will apply to an indefinitely large set of propositions , so it is quite possible that the principles that underlie the interaction between utterances and assumptions ( however particular they may be ) can be simply and rigorously stated .
14 He is once referred to by the chronicler , Matthew Paris [ q.v. ] , as ‘ Master Longespee ’ and it is thus possible that he was a son of William Longespée , third Earl of Salisbury ( died 1226 , q.v. ) , who was Henry III 's uncle .
15 The theoretical territory attached to this hillfort , as suggested by Ian Burrow , is very similar to the land defined in the seventh-century charter , and it is thus possible that the estate of the hillfort persisted throughout the Roman period to emerge as a land unit belonging to Glastonbury Abbey until the sixteenth century .
16 A version of it may have heartened the Normans in 1066 ; and it is even possible that the earliest surviving version was composed in Normandy .
17 And it is just possible that Western ideas in psychiatry could be incorporated into a relativity model .
18 However homoeopathy is very successful in veterinary practice and it is theoretically possible that suitable animal tests could be devised for the study of at least some homoeopathic remedies .
19 A Minority Government will hardly be able to deal with the situation , and it is quite possible that Your Majesty might be asked to approve of a National Government .
20 Football has become the focus for a new kind of identity for working-class male youth and it is quite possible that other forms of sport — cricket for instance — will be similarly used .
21 The antiquarian , Stukeley , noted it in 1740 , and it is quite possible that knowledge of this never died out locally .
22 Since Roberts 's book focuses on women , she necessarily highlights patterns of exchange which are specific to women , and it is quite possible that both duty and affection were ( and are ) more prominent in exchanges between women than when men are involved .
23 ( The growing scarcity of Persian village rugs is increasing their price , however , and it is quite possible that even the shoddiest of these will soon fall into the " medium category " ) .
24 And it is always possible that unknown to us the present world differs radically from the way it appears to us .
25 Some of these functions are best performed by University Institutes , some by a Curriculum Development Centre , some by a Curriculum Planning Unit and it is therefore possible that functions which may hitherto have been seen as either wholly performed by this body or that may increasingly be undertaken in partnership .
26 As has already been shown , moreover , and as will be referred to again , the combination of a muderrislik and a muftilik was very common in later times , particularly in the case of the Mufti ; and it is entirely possible that the muderrislik of the Manastir medrese carried with it , perhaps even from the start , official or semi-official recognition as mufti of Bursa .
27 The younger O'Sullivans liked to tell this macabre tale and it is very possible that Poe , too , may have heard it .
28 And thought : and Floy is going off into the midst of all these and it is perfectly possible that I shall never see him again .
29 It may be that one day we shall discover a complete unified theory that predicts them all , but it is also possible that some or all of them vary from universe to universe or within a single universe .
30 We envisage that the path would be mainly used for recreational cycling at weekends and by touring cyclists during the season , but it is also possible that a few commuters from Kirkliston would use it during the week .
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