Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is possible [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 She might have had a brief illness best treated outside the home , or it is possible that the balance of her mind was disturbed in some way .
2 In both cases , the breccias are thought to be exclusively developed in the Z1 Carbonate , although it is possible that the upper part of the reservoir in Auk may represent a collapsed portion of the Z2 Carbonate .
3 It so happens that for some distance the Gill itself forms the boundary between that estate and the Manor of Coniston , although it is possible that the boundary between the two manors was rather ill-defined at that time .
4 The distinction between steady-state subduction and plate collision at convergent boundaries is due to the resistance of continental crust and island arcs to subduction , although it is possible that the latter can be subducted .
5 As the Ruddock case has shown , the standard of review employed in national security cases is set so high that it is possible that the Tribunal could be compelled to refrain from interfering with discretionary decisions taken for this reason .
6 The Breton later became part originator of the Canadian breed , so that it is possible that the genes of the extinct small Cornish cattle are perpetuated on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean .
7 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
8 A year earlier Matisse had show his painting Le Bonheur de Vivre ( Barnes Foundation , Merrion , Penn. ) at the Salon des Indépendants , where it had received a great deal of attention , and during the winter of 1907 Derain was engaged in painting a canvas of bathers ( Museum of Modern Art , New York ) which he intended to show at the Indépendants of 1907 , so that it is possible that the Demoiselles may have been prompted by a spirit of rivalry .
9 The article states : ’ estimates of the project 's cost have escalated from £457 million to £1.4 billion ’ — the figure mentioned by my hon. Friend — and that it is possible that the scheme will not go ahead .
10 Many people who know that they may die in such circumstances wish to discuss the procedure beforehand , and it is possible that the authorities concerned may be prepared to do this .
11 Further , in earlier years the branch had attempted to extend its WEA social and educational activity into surrounding villages and it is possible that the branch had pressed the District for the appointment of a resident tutor in East Suffolk — although the documentary evidence on this point is somewhat unclear .
12 It appears that certain people have a predisposition to develop Reiter 's disease and it is possible that the organism responsible for NGU can act as a ‘ trigger ’ which sets off the inflammatory process .
13 That herd was apparently shy , rather fierce and polled and it is possible that the Ardrossan was ancestral to the White Galloway , or its coat colour might have come from the other White Park herds in Scotland ( for example at Cadzow Forest near Hamilton , Blair Atholl in northern Perthshire , the Duke of Buccleuch 's estate at Dalkeith , the Cumbernauld estate or Cally Palace at Gatehouse-of-Fleet ) .
14 The question in the 1959 survey was open-ended , and it is possible that the great increase in preparedness to act is an artefact of the changed method of question administration .
15 For example , the Swedes and the Norwegians are seeking to eliminate CFC use by 1995 , and it is possible that the rest of the world could follow suit .
16 We know that X-rays can be extremely hazardous , and it is possible that the frequencies associated with laser printers and microwave ovens may also be suspect .
17 Payment has never been demanded and it is possible that the provisions are not necessary because the liabilities they cover did not exist in the first place .
18 No fauna of pre-Chokierian age has yet been discovered , and it is possible that the early Namurian succession is condensed in the district .
19 Thucydides credited the Minoan kings with organizing the first naval fleet , and it is possible that the Minoans did indeed have a squadron of specially designed and equipped warships that were ahead of their time .
20 Bouguereau has not been selling well at auction in recent years , and it is possible that the recent exhibition at Borghi & Co. in New York has stimulated a revival of interest in his work .
21 Many are extremely tense , not only since the infarct , but have been for many years , and it is possible that the inward tension that they suffer has been a contributory factor to their disease .
22 In the West Midlands , the evidence of the Worcester court rolls suggests a prevalence of timber-framed buildings , most often consisting of three bays , although some were larger , and it is possible that the smaller houses were less well recorded .
23 The narratives of the Passio Praeiecti and of the Vita Boniti both have their peculiarities , and it is possible that the appointment of Praeiectus and the retirement of Bonitus were less creditable than their hagiographers claim .
24 Wherever you take them , though , try , if it is possible and the weather is good , to arrange for them to spend some of the time out of doors — for the housebound elderly are often short of vitamin D , which most of us get from natural sunlight ( as well as certain foods ) and this deficiency can lead to the painful condition of osteomalacia , in which there is rarefaction of the bones .
25 But it is possible that the Dostoevsky scholar whose book prompted Bayley 's comment might not have understood it — how could an acknowledged great novel , worth writing about at length , be said not to ‘ come off ’ ?
26 But it is possible that the details took time to be formulated .
27 But it is possible that the poor reputation of Mary 's Council is based on too credulous a reading of the reports of Imperial envoys .
28 The only part comparable to the united cardines is the postmentum , but it is possible that the median part of the sternum of the labial segment is incorporated in this sclerite .
29 But it is possible that the APU 's teacher training and dissemination efforts may have some effect .
30 But it is possible that the length of the delay in service of the order , coupled with the other circumstances of a particular case , might justify the conclusion that it would be an injustice to the contemnor to continue his incarceration .
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