Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] are able [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , just the fact that you are able to insist on interest does give you some leverage when asking for your account to be paid .
2 Please confirm that you are able to attend for interview as requested .
3 As in Situation 2 above except that you are able to decide on the selling price yourself .
4 And if you are going to recognise that reality , then you also need to ensure that you are able to deal with it effectively and with proper accountability .
5 I look forward to hearing from you , and very much hope that you are able to help with the back issues .
6 You will find in this section many programs , from Home and Hobbies to professional DTP packages , that you are able to try at only 2.50 per disc .
7 It is good that you are able to look after your friend with the sick husband , and I expect you are still seeing Maureen .
8 Continued implementation of community care , and making sure that we do carry on developing it , ensuring that people have the choice is going to be an important part of the agreement , and it 's also important that the joint finance , or some , some joint finance is kept as er , work for community care so that we are able to respond to er , events that turn up that are n't necessarily expected .
9 It is reasonable to suppose that a sense of what is usual or unusual or noticeable in language is built up from a lifelong experience of linguistic use , so that we are able to affirm with reasonable confidence and without resort to a pocket calculator ( to take a simple case already mentioned ) that Hemingway favours short sentences .
10 There is no blueprint that one could lay down but with a on the infinite versatility of God to use and deploy the gifts that we are able to offer to his service .
11 Further to our meeting last Friday , I am writing to set out the advice and assistance that we are able to provide in connection with the intended sale of Older Business Limited .
12 That we are able to speak to each other gives rise to the complexity of language-games that we are able to play , yet find it so difficult to describe .
13 With oil and gas exports , the objective is to get foreign currency with which foreign goods can be purchased and the domestic economy 's energy requirements are organised so that they are able to manage on the fuel which is left .
14 Individuals believe that they are able to perform at the desired level ( effort performance outcome ) .
15 The Vlieger Op range from Holland uses colour to identify sizes from 5.85mm in blue to 21.8mm in orange , many at constant wall thickness and at 2mm stages so that they are able to fit inside each other .
16 It is vital , however , that they are able to compete on equal terms , and to achieve this there will need to be funding for the extra costs of clinical research .
17 It misses the point that being an effective teacher , leading students to a measure of intellectual and professional independence such that they are able to articulate with others their own viewpoint , is a major achievement .
18 And any improvements that they are able to bring to the overall situation can not but improve the availability of information potentially relevant to business activities .
19 The ERASMUS scheme allows you to study for a year in Europe , whether you choose the single honours BCom or one of the joint degrees , provided you are able to study in the language of your host country .
20 Such symptoms are far less likely to trouble you if you gradually reduce your intake until you are able to go without the substances altogether .
21 Guilt , or constantly thinking back to past errors , only has any value if you are able to learn from it and to make a firm decision to avoid those errors in the future .
22 Please contact Mr Davies at 5 , Woodside , Harrogate , N. Yorks , HG1 5NG if you are able to help in any way .
23 Life is full of ups and downs , but you should enjoy it more if you are able to think about the good times and you 'll feel better able to cope when the bad times are around .
24 When economic stability improves and we are able to deal with these problems , the support and participation of the community continues to be important , but perhaps dealing with other kinds of problems .
25 Prospects of wholesale changes in working practices and conditions of services , if we will be if we are able to compete with the private sector in an aggressive market .
26 And they are able to contribute in this way precisely because they are not determined by social factors , but possess the trait generally labelled autonomy .
27 In addition , some parents may find that it is easier to cope with a child who has a serious language problem if they are able to participate in the process of assessment and intervention .
28 And if they are able to misjudge on on this particular issue , then they are likely to misjudge on other issues , so er we 'll have a chat with them and we 'll find them out what they think and er what they say .
29 There is a convincing body of research indicating that people are educated and trained more effectively if they are able to interact with the educational or training medium .
30 The male guards the next , aerates the eggs and looks after the larvae until they are able to feed for themselves .
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